The procession of Señor de Burgos on his silver carroza passing in front of the old Municipio de San Mateo. (PHOTO: Historic San Mateo)
In the early days until 80’s and 90’s, It is believed that the feast of the miraculous El Señor Sto. Cristo de Burgos is one of the most anticipated and sumptuous fiesta celebration in the town of San Mateo. The feast is celebrated every Monday, after Pentecost Sunday (no definite date). Voluminous firecrackers and marching bands resound throughout the town during the fiesta celebration.
It is said that numerous pilgrims from Malabon and Navotas annually pay homage to Señor de Burgos because of the mysterious and miraculous appearance of Señor into their community, inviting them to celebrate the fiesta in San Mateo. Abundant miracles and answered prayers were attributed to Señor de Burgos, and was recorded (by Arzobispo de Manila) during the Spanish colonial period in San Mateo.

Archival documents containing various testimonies of the miracles of Señor de Burgos, kept at Arzobispado de Manila in Intramuros. (PHOTO: Historic San Mateo)
The devotion was originated in Spain. The Burgos was taken from one of the old Barangays in Montalban, Rizal and it was under the jurisdiction of the town of San Mateo during the Spanish era. A small chapel was dedicated to Señor de Burgos where it was first brought by the name Domingo based on the Dalit prayer:
“At doon sa San Mateo
Sa Burgos namang baryo
Dinala ka ni Domingo
Na iyong piling deboto
Maraming lubhang milagro
Doo’y ipinakita mo.”

Oratory of Señor de Burgos inside the ancestral house of Mahanan-Jazmines. (PHOTO: Pio Rivera)
However, the century-old alleged original image of Señor de Burgos is kept in the ancestral house of the family of Tessa Manahan-Jazmines along General Luna Street that serves as the heart of the fiesta celebration of the devotees and residents of San Mateo. It is also believed that the image of Our Lady of Aranzazu and Señor de Burgos were brought together in San Mateo at the same time.
The traditional feast of Our Lady of Aranzazu was celebrated before every Pentecost Sunday until in 1988. Señor de Burgos is included in the reputed 3 major patrons of the Pueblo, namely: San Mateo Apostol, Our Lady of Aranzazu, and Señor Sto.Cristo de Burgos. In the present day, a small chapel was erected and dedicated in honor of Señor Sto. Cristo de Brugos in front of the Barangay Hall of Guitnang Bayan II. The said chapel and the house of Manahan-Jazmines are the major shelters of Señor’s devotees every fiesta.
Revival of the Tradition

Señor de Burgos and Our Lady of Aranzazu covered with plastic during the fiesta procession. (PHOTO: Cofradia del Señor de Burgos)
There are two processions during the feast of Señor de Burgos. One in the morning where the image will be brought and faced in the Shrine of Our Lady of Aranzazu, and in the evening where a thanksgiving mass will be held inside the Chapel of Guitnang Bayan II. In 2011, the images of the major patrons of the pueblo was included in the procession such as St. Matthew and Our Lady of Aranzazu.
The purpose is to remind the parishioners that these 3 patrons have protected and upkeep the whole town of San Mateo for many centuries. This tradition is also a good opportunity for the parishioners to thank God for giving us St. Matthew and Our Lady of Aranzazu for their powerful intercession. A great day to worship and express gratitude to our Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of human race through His Holy Corss.

Close-up photo of the original image of Señor de Burgos.
Viva San Mateo!
Viva la Virgen!
Viva Señor Sto. Cristo!

Christian Jasper Robles
Senior Writer, Website Team - Media Ministry
Christian is a graduate of Bachelor of Arts in Communication at Colegio de San Juan de Letran. He is a member of the writer’s team of Aranzazu Media and Public Information Ministry. A singer, performer, writer, church servant, and a Marian devotee. Currently, he is the secretary of Association of Our Lady of Aranzazu- Cofradia and member of Avant-Garde Singers. Passionate about writing different local religious traditions and Mariology matters; Christian is strongly dedicated in promoting and propagating the devotion to Our Lady of Aranzazu.