SAN MATEO, Rizal – Today, Wednesday, May 30, 2018, the Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of Aranzazu becomes officially under the care of a new pastor, Rev. Fr. Lopito “Bembol” Hiteroza.

At the beginning of this early morning celebration, Fr. Hiteroza was formally introduced to the congregation as the newly appointed Parish Priest of Our Lady of Aranzazu and was then solemnly installed by His Excellency, Most Rev. Francisco M. De Leon, D.D., Bishop of Antipolo. Following the Rite of Installation is the Eucharistic Celebration presided by Rev. Fr. Hiteroza himself and concelebrated by at least 50 clergies from the Diocese of Antipolo.

The meaningful and touching celebration, which lasted for more than an hour, was welcomed by present and previous parishioners, friends, and guests from both religious and government sectors including the Municipal Mayor of San Mateo, Hon. Mayor Cristina Diaz and of Morong, Rizal, Hon. Mayor Armando San Juan.



His Excellency, Bishop De Leon, in his homily, gently reminded the faithful of San Mateo to be always of help to Fr. Bembol. Stressing the different personalities of every priest, he urged the congregation to be patient in assisting their new parish priest in his pastoral mission and activities because though he is truly intelligent, he is also a very simple and quiet person.

Fr. Hiteroza, now 55 years old, is from the province of Malasiqui, Pangasinan. He was born on January 29 and ordained Priest on June 23, 1990. He has been assigned to many parishes since then: Christ the King Parish in Taytay, Rizal, Holy Family Parish in Parang, Marikina, St. Jerome Parish in Morong, Rizal and the Nativity of Our Lady Parish in Marikina as the latest. The Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of Aranzazu is Fr. Hiteroza’s fifth assignment.



As a parting message, Fr. Bembol read a poem which he himself has written extending his overwhelming gratitude to all parishioners and friends for their effort and unending support which he himself has witnessed over the past days prior to his installation.

A simple yet delicious lunch warmly shared by the guests completed the celebration.


Little White Flower

Little White Flower

Senior Contributor

Little White Flower is an art enthusiast who studied Visual Communication at the University of the Philippines Diliman. The Little White Flower, as she would like herself to be known, is the previous head of the Ministry on Worship & Liturgy. Her admiration to St. Therese, as the “little flower of Jesus,” made her choose her blog name.  Preferred to contribute in the simplest and littlest way she can, she finds passion in seeing the beauty in the tiniest things in life. Loving God and the works of His creation amazes her so much. Her aim in life: “Just be a little flower, bloom in the garden of the Lord.”

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