Photo by: Sis. Mel Monterola / Association of Our Lady of Aranzazu

SAN MATEO, Rizal – Yesterday, on the day of the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, at least eighty-seven (87) Extraordinary Ministers Of The Holy Communion of the Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of Aranzazu, led by their head, Bro. Lambert Santos, Jr. renewed their promise of service and commitment to the Lord and were commissioned on the nine o’ clock Sunday Mass by Rev. Fr. Lopito Hiteroza, Parish Priest.

It has been a yearly tradition for the Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion to renew their vows of service and commitment and be commissioned during the celebration of the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ or Corpus Christi.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion share responsibility for distributing the Eucharist at Masses. Though they assist priests and deacons in administering Holy Communion, they may not replace them, except on those occasions when the ordinary minister is impeded from administering Holy Communion because of ill health, advanced age, or other pressing pastoral obligations.

As Eucharistic Ministers, they are allowed for a more frequent, even daily, administration of Holy Communion outside of Mass to those impeded from attending Mass because of sickness or physical weakness.

During the installation ceremony, the Eucharistic Ministers were reminded to be especially observant of the Lord’s command to love your neighbor. For when He gave his body as food to His disciples, He said to them: “This is My commandment, that you should love one another as I have loved you.

Fr. Bembol also asked the faithful to pray that these Ministers of Holy Communion be ever faithful to their responsibility of distributing Holy Communion in the community.


Little White Flower

Little White Flower

Senior Contributor

Little White Flower is an art enthusiast who studied Visual Communication at the University of the Philippines Diliman. The Little White Flower, as she would like herself to be known, is the previous head of the Ministry on Worship & Liturgy. Her admiration to St. Therese, as the “little flower of Jesus,” made her choose her blog name.  Preferred to contribute in the simplest and littlest way she can, she finds passion in seeing the beauty in the tiniest things in life. Loving God and the works of His creation amazes her so much. Her aim in life: “Just be a little flower, bloom in the garden of the Lord.”

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