Rev. Fr. Lopito Hiteroza while preaching the homily to the parishioners who attended the pilgrimage at the Antipolo Cathedral. (PHOTO: Diane Desamero)

“Kumusta ang ating pananalita? Kumusta ang ating pagkilos?” Rev. Fr. Lopito “Bembol” Hiteroza, the newly installed Parish Priest of Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Nuestra Señora de Aranzazu (DSPNSDA), asked as he started the homily for the mass of the annual Pilgrimage to Antipolo Cathedral.

Words portray a vital role in our daily lives as it serve as a way of expressing our thoughts and feelings. We tactlessly utter our comments, feelings, and opinions without knowing how it will affect and impact another person. Words are so powerful as it can change a person’s day and worse, his entire life, influence one’s decision, belief, and way of thinking. It is like an arrow that once thrown, will leave a wound in one’s heart which might take a long time to heal.

One misconception about communication is that it can settle all our problems. Yes, we cannot solve conflict without communication but it sometimes worsens the situation depending on the kind and the way we used our words. Another misconception is the belief that words contain meanings but the truth is, meanings are created by people because words will only have a meaning when we give a meaning to it. Thus, choosing the right and proper words is necessary to avoid offending a person unintentionally because once words are said, it cannot be taken back.

An epitome would be criticizing a lector who is having a difficulty in speaking and reading. It’s easy for us to criticize and laugh at his mistake but are we willing to offer our time and serve? Are we willing to participate, involve and commit ourselves? If yes, ask ourselves, am I going to be a good servant? Am I going to be a good example to everyone?

Instead of criticizing, let’s encourage others to continue what they are doing. Inspire them to believe in themselves that they can do or perform better; because if we continue teasing their mistakes and continue throwing harsh words on them, there is a possibility that they will stop serving and committing their self and time. It is a great sin if we become a reason why they turn away from their service to God.

Are we good or bad influences? It is in our hands if we will become a good or bad influence to the community but we are expected to be an inspiration and good example to our brothers and sisters by considering the words we use in communicating and socializing. May the words that come from our mouth be a salt that enhances the flavor of life and light that will lead and inspire people towards the right path.



Lester de Castro

Lester de Castro

Writer, Website Team - Media Ministry

To those who know him, no words are required. To those who do not, no words will suffice. Lester R. de Castro is a “scholar ng bayan” at Polytechnic University of the Philippines taking up Accountancy, Business, and Management. Lester belongs to his batches’ "Cream of the Crop" dominating to a remarkable vision of the future. Currently, as a website writer of DSPNSDA’s Media and Public Information Ministry, the talents and skills he received from the Almighty above are being used and shared not only for his own good but for the good of others as well. He believes that in life, God must be the center who guides us towards the right path.

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