Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Nuestra Senora de Aranzazu (DSPNSDA) will hold its first Aranzazu Communications Day (ACD) in celebration of the World Communications Day 2018 on this coming 1st of July, Sunday.
The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) with the help of Media and Public Information Ministry (MPIM) will spearhead a forum called Faith vs. Fake: A Forum on Social Media and Information Literacy where two of the veteran personalities in the media industry will serve as guest speakers.
Fr. Francis Lucas, President of Catholic Media Network, will talk about the Significance of Social Media to the Catholic Faith while Ms. Ellen Tordesillas, President of VERA Files, will discuss the Social Media in the Battle Against Disinformation.
Here’s why you should attend the forum
“The truth will set you free” (Jn 8:32). Fake news and journalism for peace” is the theme of this year’s World Communications Day which aims to fight fake news by educating the people in distinguishing the facts from fallacy and also to avoid its spread.
The forum has a registration fee of P80 for non-student participants and only P50 for students which already includes a free seminar kit, free snacks, certificate of participation and tokens. The registration for the seminar will start as early as 7 in the morning and the forum will end at 12 in the afternoon and will be followed with a mass.
The forum has few more slots left and it is open to all ages. If you are interested but haven’t registered yet, you may click this link to REGISTER ONLINE: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=eL70xLO4sU6C-C7JbV3GWkpFHQiEHPtItJw7HhF9XGtUMDgxTjZMVDFRWUZRV1JQRUhWOTE0R1kwNS4u.
Aside from the forum, a mini exhibit that is free of charge awaits everyone who will join the event. The exhibit will show how communication in the globe started and progressed through the years with the invention of different media.

Camille Cabal
EIC, Website Team, Media Ministry
Camille embodies a soul of a writer that’s why even though how many times she tried turning away from it, she finds herself not only coming back but also loving it. Camille finished her Bachelor’s degree major in Communication in Trinity University of Asia. She is now working as a freelance copywriter. Her desire to explore a new world is her reason for joining Media and Public Information Ministry. Being with MPIM for years taught her how passionate she can get. She believes that the best way to get things done is to put your heart into whatever you do.