The attendees and organizers of the first Aranzazu Communications Day ended the celebration with the Mass presided by the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Bembol Hiteroza.
SAN MATEO, Rizal – Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Nuestra Senora de Aranzazu successfully celebrated its first Aranzazu Communications Day last July 1, Sunday.The said event is in celebration of the World Communications Day 2018 with a theme “The truth will set you free (Jn 8:32).”
The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) with the help of Media and Public Information Ministry (MPIM) organized Faith vs. Fake: A Forum on Social Media and Information Literacy where Fr. Francis Lucas, President of Catholic Media Network and Ms. Ellen Tordesillas, President of VERA Files served as the guest speakers and shared their knowledge and insights about the media industry and fake in particular.
Fr. Francis talked about the Significance of Social Media in the Catholic Faith where he said in his talk, “if you are not faithful to your faith, your faith is fake.” During his discussion, Fr. Francis showed images with optical illusions where two objects can be seen in one picture then explained that “we see things as we are. We don’t see things as they are.” He also said that people who cannot see both objects in the image are one-sided people because they only see one side and do not want to listen nor consider the other side of a certain matter.
On the other hand, Ms. Ellen gave the attendees a deeper explanation about VERA Files. VERA Files is a Facebook accredited fact-checking organization in the Philippines that monitors the “false claims, misleading statements of public figures and debunks them with factual evidence.” She also made clear that they do not have the power to turn down posts that are proven to be misleading, false, and or offensive.
Aside from the forum, MPIM also prepared an experiential exhibit, the iCOMMic Museum which showed the milestones of the media and communication in the world through various trivias complemented by tangible communication tools and media that were invented throughout the years such as typewriter, VHS, Nokia keypad phones, old models of Television and radio, diskette and others which took the attendees back to the earlier years.
Guest speakers were given with certificate of appreciation and an Aranzazu image in return while attendees of the seminar received a seminar kit which includes notebook, ballpen, Aranzazu ref magnet and stampita . They also received certificates of participation.
The attendees and organizers of the first Aranzazu Communications Day ended the celebration with the holy mass presided by the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Bembol Hiteroza.
The PPC and MPIM extend their gratitude to guest speakers, attendees and most especially those people who helped and sponsored the event.

Camille Cabal
EIC, Website Team, Media Ministry
Camille embodies a soul of a writer that’s why even though how many times she tried turning away from it, she finds herself not only coming back but also loving it. Camille finished her Bachelor’s degree major in Communication in Trinity University of Asia. She is now working as a freelance copywriter. Her desire to explore a new world is her reason for joining Media and Public Information Ministry. Being with MPIM for years taught her how passionate she can get. She believes that the best way to get things done is to put your heart into whatever you do.