Planked with the National Historical Commission’s Ms. Eleonor B. Samonte with the DSPNSDA Parish Pastoral Council. Photo: Mark Hepuller | MPIM
SAN MATEO, Rizal – Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Nuestra Señora de Aranzazu (DSPNSDA) is now officially one of the country’s national treasures after the National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) installed the Historical Marker on the said Parish, Tuesday morning, August 28.
Ms. Eleonor B. Samonte, Project Development Officer, and other NHCP staff arrived at the San Mateo Municipal Hall at around 10 in the morning as a courtesy visit before meeting with Rev. Fr. Bembol Hiteroza at the abovementioned parish to install its Historical Marker.
The Historical Marker was installed on the right side of the main entrance when facing the shrine but was immediately covered for its unveiling ceremony that will be held on August 31, Friday.
It is remembered that NHCP approved DSPNSDA’s request for the National Historical Marker on January 3, 2018.
Read: NHCP Grants Aranzazu Parish a National Historical Marker
National Historical Markers are signs installed in monuments, buildings, and other places approved by NHCP to emphasize the need to give importance to our national treasures and evoke pride and recognition to our country’s national heritage.
According to policies on the installation of Historical Markers, “Markers shall be installed for Filipino heroes, historic events and places involving historical acts and patriotic endeavors…historical markers shall only be installed in places with great historical value as determined by the NHI Board.”
NHCP policies state that national historical markers are government property, “any act to destroy or remove the said markers without the written authority from the NHCP shall be charged criminally in accordance with existing laws.” It is also said that cars can no longer be parked in front of the installed marker of the Parish.