The Parish Youth Ministry once again unleashed the prowess of youth in this year’s Youth Jam held at the Gymnasium of Nuestra Señora de Aranzazu Parochial School last Saturday night, September 1.

The Youth Jam is getting more exciting over the years and it’s always better than the previous years. There were dance performances, acts of praises, talk shows where teachers and parish workers entertained questions from the youth and more. The place was jam-packed and every segment was engaging that it captured everyone’s attention but the best part was when they hyped everyone to take action on their surroundings.

I myself loved this part where some people shared their inspiring stories and were offered a song right after. While listening to the obstacles they went through in their lives, I looked down on myself and doubted if I could overcome the upcoming challenges in my life the same way they did but after the event, I was surprisingly relieved. Their stories inspired me to look only at the brighter side of things.

The love, passion and warmth are felt in every person in there, creating an overwhelming atmospehere throughout the night. Overall, the event taught everyone to be more humble to others and brought everyone closer to God.

Above all, praising and worshipping Our Lady of Aranzazu was already enough. Im encouuraging everyone to expect more events like this in the coming parish activities. (Moises Emiliani B. Casquejo)



Moises Emiliani B. Casquejo

Moises Emiliani B. Casquejo

Junior Writer, Website Team, MPIM

Moises Emiliani B. Casquejo is a Junior High School Student at NSDAPS. He started writing in his junior years and is focusing on short stories and poems which he usually base from his life experiences. He believes that it is important for every writer to have an inspiration for them to create a good piece. Aside from writing, anime also interests him because it expands his horizon. For Moises, the Media And Public Information Ministry is a world full of suprises, not just because of its members but also the way they do their tasks.

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