My Lord, with every granting of Thy grace

I lift up towards Thee both arms and face.

Undeserving as I am of these Thy gift

They yet provide my yearned for uplift.


As a mere child at the receiving end

Of benefactions that Thou dost extend,

I must now grope for fitting words of thanks

And come up merely with pages of blanks.


For Thy goodness Lord God dwarfs my response

And underlines the distance

That sinful creature stark in some way sense

Between what we deserve and providence.


I realise it is but pride’s own ploy

To keep me unreceptive to Thy joy

And make me truant in this stewardship

That through my careless angers I’ve let slip.


I vow henceforth, aware now of Thy love,

To see Thy bounty as my treasure – trove.





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