The March of Saints primarily is a Christ-centered way of celebrating Halloween, and an avenue of catechizing the kids at an early age, and families, about the lives of the saints.  Photo: Mary Joy Hacutina Gutlay

This is the time of year when many Catholics ask themselves if it is ok to celebrate Halloween. To bring back the true meaning of “Holy Eve”, we should offer ourselves participating on the upcoming March of Saints, as we remember to keep All Saints Day holy.

With this in mind, we would also like to invite each one of you, in your own life and in your initiatives, to truly work so that this celebration, in its authentic sense, become once again central in the culture around you. For years now, All Saints Day has been hijacked, put into timeout by the culture’s “old self” that would rather divert themselves with horror. The demanding heights of holiness have been substituted with the mediocrity or even with the rejection of such an ideal, representing a sort of division of our humanity, and the destiny which God has bestowed on us.

The idea is not so much to go out and to condemn the mistaken costumes that have arisen, rather to keep a critical approach towards them, to work so that the authentic meaning prevail and take root in the lives of others. Amen.


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