The Logo features 4 primary figures: a young person and a cross (both in yellow), a dove (in red), and a big hand, which also appears as a footprint (in blue).

The human figure in yellow stands for YOUNG PEOPLE conformed to Christ, the Light of the world [cf. Mt 5:14; Jn 8:12], who is represented by the CROSS.

The DOVE in red, being received by and hovering over the human figure, signifies the Holy Spirit, offered as a gift [cf. Jn 20:22; Acts 2:38; Rom 5:5] to each of the baptized.

The blue HAND, carrying the human figure in a supporting and presenting gesture, symbolizes how young people are loved by the Father [cf. Dt 1:31; Is 40:11; 41:10; 46:4]; this same love is mirrored by the Church (cf. PCP II, 385; KA-LAKBAY, pp. 35-41).

This blue image can also be seen as a FOOTPRINT, signifying movement for a purpose and making a mark [cf. Mt 28:19-20]. Young people are in mission: proclaiming the Good News who is Christ, especially to their fellow youth in the peripheries.

Filipino youth are beloved by God and His Church, especially through her youth ministry, who raise them up and carry them lovingly through life, with all its trials and tribulations. They are gifted with the Holy Spirit, who inflames them with faith, passion and courage. Rooted in Christ, they are empowered to shine on a world of darkness and confusion, taking part in His Body, the Church, for building God’s Reign.

As with the two disciples of Emmaus [cf. Lk 24:13-35], Jesus constantly and faithfully accompanies young people in the journey of life.

We as Church in the Philippines are called to take the same stance with our youth: journeying with them, listening to their doubts and dreams, inviting them to conversion and communion, and raising them up in mission to enlighten and inflame the country with the Spirit of Christ and to tell the world of His love. Excerpts: CBCP – Year of the Youth (Official)



Patrick Jay Tolop

Patrick Jay Tolop

Contributor, Youth Ministry - Parish Pastoral Council

Peejay Tolop is currently the Coordinator of the Parish Youth Ministry and now working with Robinsons Land Corporation as a Civil Engineer. In the year 2007, he started his service in Tanghalang Aranzazu as a production staff and later became the 3rd coordinator of the organization.

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