Our Lady of Aranzazu passes in front of her devotees while waving their pañuelitos. (PHOTO: DC Photograpgy)

MANILA, Philippines – Millions of Filipino Catholics are expected to flock in the historic walled City of Intramuros on December 2, to witness the biggest Marian gathering in the country; The 39th Grand Marian Procession.

Over 100 images of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the care of basilicas, shrines, parishes, organizations, families and private individuals from all over the country will participate in the said procession.

Some parishes will bring the original image of their respective patroness. The main highlight of the procession are the miraculous images of the venerated and canonically crowned Marian images in the Philippines.

The vicaria image of Nuestra Señora de Aranzazu will grace the streets of Intramuros again this year together with her thousand entourage from the town of San Mateo to express their love and devotion to the mother of the pueblo. The carroza will be situated at number 97 this year.

Official poster of Intramuros GMP 2018. (PHOTO: Intramuros Administration)

Our Lady of Aranzazu also visits Colegio de San Juan de Letran three days prior the procession. Letran also housed a century old image of Virgen de Aranzazu and the seat of the Archconfraternity of Nuestra Senora de Aranzazu.

The delegation of San Mateo, Rizal is one of the most highly anticipated and commended delegation according to the main organizers of Cofradia dela Inmaculada Concepcion Foundation Inc., and Intramuros Administration. The Virgin of Aranzazu’s delegation is known for handing out kakanin during the procession and its lively expression of devotion through the waving of pañuelito while singing the famous Pamimintuho sa Birhen hymn.

The Grand Marian Procession in Intramuros or simply “iGMP” is a national celebration of the feast of the Immaculate Conception held every first Sunday of December (though the actual feast is on December 8) to give the general public, a better opportunity to witness the grandest Marian procession in the country.

The event will be on December 2.The Hermanos Mayores mass will be held at the Manila Cathedral at 2 p.m., to be followed by the Grand Marian Procession in Plaza Roma at 4 p.m., the Marian image gathering will be at the Magallanes Drive, Intramuros.

This year’s Hermano and Hermanas Mayores: Maria Victoria C. Yulo, Aleli L. Sibal, Maria Victoria T. Burgos, and Danilo L. Dolor.


Christian Jasper Robles

Christian Jasper Robles

Senior Writer, Website Team - Media Ministry

Christian is a graduate of Bachelor of Arts in Communication at Colegio de San Juan de Letran. He is a member of the writer’s team of Aranzazu Media and Public Information Ministry. A singer, performer, writer, church servant, and a Marian devotee. Currently, he is the secretary of Association of Our Lady of Aranzazu- Cofradia and member of Avant-Garde Singers. Passionate about writing different local religious traditions and Mariology matters; Christian is strongly dedicated in promoting and propagating the devotion to Our Lady of Aranzazu.

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