There’s nothing merrier on Christmas than having our loved ones to celebrate this special day with us. No matter how festive our decorations and no matter how full our dining table would be, it will be worthless if we have no one to enjoy them with. Let this story of a woman who had been through the tough times inspire us, as she knew and realized what true happiness and the meaning of Christmas really is.

It’s been two decades since my brother and I had the most memorable time of our lives; I can still remember how I used to be a crybaby whenever I’m having a failing marks in exams. He was smart, creative and adored by many, a total opposite of me. But there’s one thing he believed I’m good at when I don’t even believe in it myself. I do love playing piano and he’s my number one fan. Whenever I play, he was just sitting beside me as he close his eyes, listening to the music I was able to create which is according to him, “a pleasant harmony.”

Going back to that most memorable time.

It was the finals. And as usual, I got the lowest score among my classmates. So of course, I cried in shame and despair and there’s nothing new with that. I immediately ran to my bedroom when I got home and jumped on my bed, I even forgot to remove my shoes. I cried, and cried, and cried. Until a knock on my door and a sweet voice came to ask me, “Can I come in?” Without me answering yet, the door opened and it was my brother, smiling as he came in. He sat down next to me and said, “You did your best, I know you always do. You may not be as great as them, but still, you are in your own way!” I wasn’t able to say anything but “I’m sorry.” He touched my face for a second and then he grabbed a piece of paper in his pocket. It was an invitation from an orphanage in the next town. They will have their 20th anniversary and they were inviting me to perform for the children. I was surprised, and I can see the joy in my brother’s face when he saw me in awe. I was excited and I can’t wait to be there.

July 17, 1981

The day of the event finally came. I woke up early in the morning and I quickly finished my breakfast. I’m in a hurry and my brother knows I’m just excited. So we left and we drove to the next town where the orphanage is located. As we entered the institution, my heart just melted. The children were already waiting for us and they all came to give me a hug when they saw me arrived. The people in charged told me that they can’t wait to hear my music. I looked at my brother just before the beginning of my performance, and from the back of the crowd he was in full support whispering, ” Show them what you’ve got!” And so I was motivated, even more motivated when I saw the kids singing with me. They gave me a round of applause afterwards, and my brother gave me a thumbs up for that. I was the happiest that time. I was in bliss.

We were about to leave when the children said in chorus, “Thank you!” And they have no idea how thankful I am too. My brother and I just can’t get over of that while we were driving home. “See? I told ya. You did a great job.” He told me. “And it’s all because of you,” I replied. We were laughing as we had a good time until a bus came along us and suddenly, everything went black.

I woke up in a place where lights are dim and I can’t fully understand yet what was going on around me. Minutes and hours passed and I stood up from the hospital bed, I went outside the room and a nurse came along. “Where is my brother?” the very first thing I asked. “Are you okay? You better get back to your room. You need to rest.” she said, trying to avoid my question. “I’m asking where is my brother. Can you bring me to him?” I asked one more time. “I will, later. But you need to rest first.” She hold me trying to get me back to the room, but I insisted. “I wanna see my brother. Please bring me to him!” I saw the sadness in her face and there somehow I started to feel something is not good.

While we were walking down the hallway I was asking her how was my brother. But I never get, not even a single word as an answer. Until we stopped in front of a door, and then she told me, “There.” I had the feeling of uncertainty. I was nervous as I was looking at the door. And as I came in, I felt like my heart just jumped out of my chest. I was shaking. I saw a bed with a person laying down, covered with a white blanket. I walked towards the bed while the nurse was accompanying me on my back. I slowly touched and removed the blanket to see the person’s face. And from there I was already crying for I know what had happened. My eyes flooded with tears, I was in full sorrow while looking at my brother’s cold body. How I hated life from that very moment, it became so unfair. My walls broke down and the sun was covered by the dark clouds, but my heart couldn’t be more destroyed in pain.

Several years passed, and moving on never became easy. But I love my brother so much that I cannot stand suffering for a long time knowing he wouldn’t want to see me like that. I tried to be strong, I tried to be brave in order for me to be the best as what my brother wanted me to be. Music became my companion and comfort. I lived my life dedicating all my success to him. I became a choir member of our church and I decided to be a volunteer in the orphanage where my brother and I had our final moments together. I continue to play music for the people who believe in me, just like my brother even though he’s no longer with me.

And now that Christmas is fast approaching, I play for those who feel less loved, less cared and having less hope because I believe that being the reason why someone would smile is already a big thing. The light will always find its way to shine through the darkness. As Christmas is the time when people are expecting to receive even just the simplest present, love and affection are the best thing that we can give. I am also dedicating my music to God, to show my full gratitude for giving me a second chance to live my life. And to my brother, to whom I am sending the pleasant harmony beyond the clouds. I am still grateful, always I will be. That harmony that served as my hope, in which I want to bless people with this Christmas.



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