Every Sto. Niño Festival, you might notice different kinds of children. Some are holding their own Sto. Niño images, some are participating in the procession, some are dancing, and some are just watching while yelling “Candy! Candy! Candy!” With these, you’ll be able to recognize different attitudes of children. But did you know that God wants you to have a childlike faith? Here are 5 characteristics of children that every people (even adults) should possess too:


It is truly one of the distinct characteristics of children, they forgive easily. Pride is not persistent in every child. When someone did something they don’t like, a simple treat or apology will make peace immediately.

A-bsense of Duplicity

They say that children are honest. In Filipino culture, they would always say, “ang bata hindi nagsisinungaling.” Indeed, they are honest as they say things with directness because they are not afraid on what others will say and think of them.

I-nsistent and Innocent

Every children spontaneously ask questions until their curiosities are answered. This depicts their eagerness to learn for they believe that they are not acquainted enough.


Children trust without any hesitation. They trust their parents believing that their parents are all knowing. Like a child, we should trust the plans and means of God.


You might find children as naughty , noisy, and talkative but they are just jolly . A child’s joy are not based on expensive things but in love they get from people surrounding them. The presence of love and joyfulness give us meaningful pleasure forever.

“When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.” – 1 Corinthians 13:11. This simple says that we should have a childlike faith and not a childish faith.

Yoder, J. (1998) of Our Daily Bread cited an article from Good News magazine where Dufly Robbins contrasts childish faith and childlike faith:

Childish Faith

1. Good Christians don’t have pain and disappointments.

2. God wants to make us happy

3. God always answers prayers.

4. Faith will help us to always understand what God is doing

5. Good Christians are always strong.

Childlike Faith

1. God uses our pain and disappointments to make us better Christians.

2. God wants to make us holy.

3. Sometimes He answers with “No” or “Wait.”

4. Faith will help us to stand under God’s sovereignty even when we don’t have a clue about what God is doing

5. Our strength is in admitting our weakness.

Today, as we celebrate the Feast of Sto. Niño, may these characteristics of every child be an inspiration to everyone to have a strong faith and become a good follower of God.



Lester de Castro

Lester de Castro

Writer, Website Team - Media Ministry

To those who know him, no words are required. To those who do not, no words will suffice. Lester R. de Castro is a “scholar ng bayan” at Polytechnic University of the Philippines taking up Accountancy, Business, and Management. Lester belongs to his batches’ "Cream of the Crop" dominating to a remarkable vision of the future. Currently, as a website writer of DSPNSDA’s Media and Public Information Ministry, the talents and skills he received from the Almighty above are being used and shared not only for his own good but for the good of others as well. He believes that in life, God must be the center who guides us towards the right path.

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