Can you imagine a birthday without a celebration, a thanksgiving being heartily celebrated by all concerned in the affair? Thanks are very much in order, for our birth in the occasion for engaging ourselves in the enjoyment and cherishing of an opportunity to take on a humanity in God’s likeness. That is an honour and an obligation combined where we are, at the same time that we receive human form and spirit, we also are obliged to rise to the occasion, to live up to the chreodic, i.e., the path which our evolution as spritual beings mapped out for us inchoate in our genetic makeup pattern with which each of us is endowed. It is bestowal from on high otherwise there would be no sense in the adjuration EXCELSIOR! HIGHER! HIGHER! The longing for protection presupposes this path. It is up to us for the most part whether we’ll make the grade or not. This gift of choice is no Grecian horse insidiously given us only to make us come to perdition. It is rather an encouragement, an open invitation to become what we’re meant to become partakers of godhood as God’s creatures. But it is not all goody-goody goings on. From the very start we are beset by original sin which by Christ’s redeeming passion has become less burdensome but still emblamatic of our fallen state. Heidegger comes way close to this insight when he speaks of man’s THROWNNESS onto the world. But because of Christ’s crucifixion and death for us we are permitted to be born again in the life of blessedness. Every birthday is an offering of life and love from God and everytime we celebrate in a foretaste of our own being born into life eternal. Hadn’t we better be more mindful of the signal importance of our birthday? Not in any egotistical, self-serving way, but in full appreciation and gratitude for this chance to prove ourselves worthy of our birthright! Happy Birthday! (Rev. Fr. Lopito “Bembol” Hiteroza)
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