The exhibit is open daily to the public free of charge until March 12 after the 6:00 PM Mass.

SAN MATEO, Rizal – An exhibit of this Lenten season of sacred images and tableaux depicting the mystery of Jesus’ suffering, death and resurrection are on display at the side altar of Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of Aranzazu.

The Recamaderos de los Imagenes en la Parroquia dela Virgen de Aranzazu (RIPVA)  Coordinator, Bro. Randy Florencio said the  exhibit offers an “awareness that lent just started with Ash Wednesday (and it was) dubbed as “Hudyat ng Kuwaresma.”  RIPVA and the parish will give opportunity for the faithful to recall the passion of Christ.

“We inviting everyone to join the procession this saturday, March 16, 2019, with a mass.” he said.


Among the tableaux on display are La Tercera Calda del Señor, El Señor Lavando las Ples de los Apostoles, El Señor de la Ultima Cena.

Also present are the images of the the carrying of the cross, the crucifixion, and the burial of Jesus.

It is open daily to the public free of charge during Masses until March 12 after the 6:00 PM Mass at DSPNSDA.


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