Keep in mind that our Visita Iglesia is about reconnecting with God and being with Christ at the Stations of the Cross. Photo: Marlon Santos | MPIM

SAN MATEO, Rizal – As the Holy Week draws near, so too does the time for Visita Iglesia. Many Filipino Catholics would attend religious activities like processions, pilgrimages, and Visita Iglesia. Going to seven churches in tow can be quite a challenge, especially our parish is set to visit the most popular and iconic churches in the Batangas city. Expect crowds and a collective sense of urgency that can sometimes take away from the solemnity of our mini-pilgrimage. Besides on bringing your handy Prayer Book for Pilgrims, here are some tips on how to have a hassle-free and safe pilgrimage for everyone to have a reflection-filled and meaningful Holy Week.

BRING ENOUGH WATER – Hydrate. With climate change turning up the heat of this hot season, you need to find ways to stay cool and hydrated. Consider bringing a water bottle with you. Besides being portable, it’s also more cost-effective than buying several bottles of water. Furthermore, you also minimize the trash you produce on your pilgrimage. After all, it’s important to keep the places you visit clean.



PREPARE FOR ANY WEATHER – Bring hats, umbrellas and light jackets so you can be ready for whatever weather condition greets us on our trip.


COMFORTABLE CLOTHING – Besides on the state of staying cool, wear comfortable clothes. No matter how cool of a person you are, hot season will make you sweat. Bringing also extra sets of clothes is highly advisable.

BRING SANDWICHES & SNACKS – While fasting this Lenten season is admirable, you should bring food with you in case of emergencies. You’ll want to keep your blood sugar steady if you want to complete your pilgrimage. Food stores and restaurants near churches might be packed with fellow pilgrims.

SECURE BAGS – You might have to do some walking during Visita Iglesia. Some churches don’t have parking spaces, forcing us to park somewhere else. That’s why it’s wise to bring a bag where you can keep your things with you. Ideally, it should be a secure bag. Modesty does have its practical uses too.

WET WIPES ARE YOUR FRIEND – You may use that for wiping food from your mouths, cooling your sweaty foreheads, and cleaning your own hands. You can also use them to wipe unclean surfaces at churches and public toilets.

POWER BANKS – Ideally, you should  TURN OFF your mobile phone during this prayerful time. Yet it is understandable the importantance of having a mobile phones a means of communication with your family and friends. Especially if you’re having your Visita Iglesia together. Consider also if there’s suddenly an emergency and your mobile phone is unpowered. That’s why it is also recommend to bring a fully charged power bank on your pilgrimage, so you can use your phone when needed. Just don’t forget to keep it on silent when you’re inside a church. And do your best to avoid checking out social media too. It will spoil the experience.


NEVER LET YOUR CHILD STRAY FROM  YOUR SIDE – In crowded churches, children may run off to play with other kids in airier spaces. Always have your eyes or hands on your child and teach him to stay with you at all times. Make sure your child has your contact details. Put your contact details in their pockets or let them bring along their own small bag with an info sheet inside.


Keep in mind that our Visita Iglesia is about reconnecting with God and being with Christ at the Stations of the Cross. Use this as an opportunity as an experience to be reflective and if you have companions with you, teach them about spirituality during Holy Week. Have a safe trip this coming April 13, 2019, mga ka-dambana! Excerpts: “Visita Iglesia, A guide…” (R. Lim), “10 Tips for bringing kids…” (D. Santos)



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