Today, we are celebrating the Palm Sunday wherein people can be seen waving palm leaves. During Palm Sunday, we commemorate the time when Jesus went to Jerusalem, but aside from entering Jerusalem as a Savior and King, it also marks the start of His walk towards death.

Just like how Jesus entered Jerusalem, we all came to this world as a living creation of God, we were welcomed with loving hands and hearts, and all of us are special in the eyes of the Lord.

Along with our birth, we grow and we look forward to the great opportunities that are being given to us while we are living our God’s gift of life but we often overlook the hardship and challenges that we are about to face as we take these opportunities like how Jesus suffered for the sake of our salvation.

Jesus was able to save us from sins after the sacrifices that He’s went through. Same with Him, once we overcome the hardships from taking opportunities, we’ll receive the overflowing rewards of our efforts and sacrifices. And because of that reward, we fail to remember that life is just a long walk towards the Kingdom of God and the earthly rewards wouldn’t be our salvation in heaven.

Above all, For every struggle that we have to face, let us remember; “Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord!” (Psalm 31:24) (Jazlene Jimenez)




Jazlene Jimenez

Jazlene Jimenez

Writer, Content Management Team - Media Ministry

Jazlene Jimenez is a 16-year-old student from Nuestra Señora de Aranzazu Parochial School. She is also an amateur novelist, poet and script writer. She believes that joining Media and Public Information Ministry will help her hone her writing, critiquing and other abilities of the likes. In the present, she's also an active member of Young Ones for Unity that aims to help those who are in need.

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