This Holy Wednesday, let us commemorate and reflect on the day when Judas, one of the twelve apostles, has betrayed Jesus in exchange of 30 pieces of silver, and how this affected Jesus’ fate in accordance to His Heavenly Father’s will.


Is this day, one of those that are meant to forget?
Or for a reason, a must to remember, our minds and hearts we should let?
When one of the shepherds has lost its way
Oh man, the sunshine almost lost its ray!

But if one would have time to think
Everything happens as fast as a blink
A kiss that is real, yet bittersweet
That’s the final time their eyes could meet

A new life and hope, after all, nonetheless
There’s a spy behind the silence, and then a heartbreaking mess
The truth, not everyone can stay as our pal
Yet our salvation, it all started with a betrayal.

 Maria Angela Patrice M. Mabutol

Maria Angela Patrice M. Mabutol

Writer, Content Management Team - Media Ministry

Maria Angela Patrice M. Mabutol was a former senior high school student at Eastern Star Academy and took HUMSS Strand under Academic Track. She was a former member and writer of Aranzes Journal at NSDAPS. Aside from being passionate in writing, she is also into photography and music. Angela is a firm believer that life is just a matter of perspective that if you change your view, the rest will follow. Being a part of Media and Public Information Ministry is a dream come true for her, as it allows her to express her faith not just from being an active parish worker, but through her talent and skills which she thinks people deserve to be shared with.

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