When we love someone, or even if we are just in the potential of loving them, we are sometimes asked by the people around us, or even by ourselves, on how truthful the love and affection that we can give. We are often challenged through different sets of standards, that we become obligated to do and give such things just to prove that our love is real. To come think of it, proving one’s love should indeed be a must, but how far this feeling can take us, how deep we are willing to dig until this enters within our soul?

God, the creator of all things, has proven His love to His people not just once, not just twice, but a countless times. Starting when He created the first man, Adam, to take care of all His creations. God would not send a caretaker of these things if He doesn’t love them, if He doesn’t care about them. He also made the woman out of the man’s flesh together with His spirit, so that Adam will no longer be alone. He did this so that Adam won’t feel lonely, for He loves him. God sent His chosen people, the Israelites, out of the slavery in Egypt through the leadership of Moses. He provided them everything that they need, helped them in all their battles until they were able to reach the promised land. And the best gift that we can say that God gave to the world to show His love, is His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Both God and His Son have shown love that is terminal, a love that is selfless. God sent Jesus for He is the only way to save the world from sin. And as an obedient child, despite of knowing His fate, Jesus allowed His Father’s will be done, even though He knows that it will give Him extreme suffering and pain. To conclude with it, the best definition of love that we can give is that love, true love rather, is SACRIFICE.

This Lenten season, as we reflect on our Savior’s passion, death and resurrection, we should also let our hearts, mind and soul to reach the Lord through our love for Him that is accompanied by faith that is versatile. His love for us is truly unconditional, for He is not asking more in exchange of His sacrifice, aside from loving our neighbors as much as we love ourselves. Our giving back to Him should not be a must, but should come from the willingness of our hearts. Let us also spread this love to our dear brothers and sisters, not just through material things, but as we live Jesus’ teachings in order to be the best servants of God.

 Maria Angela Patrice M. Mabutol

Maria Angela Patrice M. Mabutol

Writer, Content Management Team - Media Ministry

Maria Angela Patrice M. Mabutol was a former senior high school student at Eastern Star Academy and took HUMSS Strand under Academic Track. She was a former member and writer of Aranzes Journal at NSDAPS. Aside from being passionate in writing, she is also into photography and music. Angela is a firm believer that life is just a matter of perspective that if you change your view, the rest will follow. Being a part of Media and Public Information Ministry is a dream come true for her, as it allows her to express her faith not just from being an active parish worker, but through her talent and skills which she thinks people deserve to be shared with.

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