Have you ever felt sad and hopeless in your life? Have you ever been to a place and there’s nothing you can see but darkness? How much do you believe in the word ‘hope’?

If you are suffering from a problem, maybe a close friend will say: “Habang may buhay, may pag-asa!” for you to feel better. The pessimists will never believe in that thought, because they always see things in a negative way, and once they fell, they will never think that they will rise up again. On the other hand, the optimists will always accept that as a challenge. They will be hopeful and determined to surpass that problem and make their life better.

But do we always need to be optimistic for us to be hopeful? All of us must believe in the word hope. Based on many inspirational stories and in psychology, once you are hopeful, you can achieve everything that you want to achieve and you can also surpass all the challenges that you are going through.

In the bible, the spirit of hope can be seen many times. The most glorious scene that symbolizes that we, humans, must always be hopeful is the scene where our Lord, Jesus Christ, died on the cross and resurrected again on the third day.

The death of Jesus can also be compared to the dreadful moment in our lives, and his resurrection symbolizes that there is light even in the darkest moment of our lives.

Another one is the metanoia (change of heart) of Paul from being a cruel persecutor to an obedient follower of Jesus and the first leader of the Catholic Church.

As a good Christian, all of us must have a positive outlook in life, this also tests our trust and faith in God.

Listen to me, I’m not here to tell you that everything will be okay soon. You can cry all you want, just stay in bed and sleep until you feel a bit better. After that, get up and fix yourself, wear your favorite clothes and eat whatever you’re craving for.

I just want you to remember this, wherever you are right now, I know it’s difficult but don’t worry too much because God is always with us. He never gave you any problem that you can’t overcome and this time, He will never let you get through this alone.

You just have to call Him. Be hopeful and always pray for the best. By doing this, God will hear and heal us. “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter5:7 (Lara Fe Cristi)


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