Then Jesus was lifted up into the sky and a cloud covered him. His disciples kept looking up, but he was gone. Photo:
Pick one: Left behind or one leaving!
Goodbye is such a lonely and hated word. It could be a double-edged sword…wounding the one left behind but also breaking the heart of the one leaving.
No wonder as much as possible people avoid goodbyes. Goodbye brings one into tears. Distance is so much a hindrance to overcome. Departure is such a difficult task. Communication is a big commitment. Time is of the essence.
Jesus bids goodbye to his followers. He is to ascend to the Father. But this is not really goodbye.
1. Jesus’ ascension to not about leaving. It is about going Home. He is from the Father and now is the time to go back. When one dies, the person is going back to the real home prepared by Jesus. When one left just remember that the past is just a borrowed time and must be thankful for it. It may be hard and in many cases harsh but the good memories will not be erased. When one left just offer a prayer and wish the person well.
2. Jesus’ ascension is the opportunity to introduce the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ presence when he was alive is limited by geography and time. His presence through the Holy Spirit is an unlimited presence. There is good happened when he went back to the Father. When one person left an opportunity opens up. It is just to the person to see the good in the situations. It may hurt but that is the sign that you live and you love.
There will always be a good in goodbye even when one is good in saying goodbyes.
Goodbye? Nope…See you later!
By the way, it is not the fall but the sudden stop that kills…