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Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity. It is celebrated on the Sunday following Pentecost. During this day, we honour and recall our belief of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the 3 personas of our eternal God. Trinity comes from two terms, “tri” meaning three and “unity” which means one.

The Holy Trinity can be explained through fire wherein the heat, flame and light represents the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The three of them only makes up fire, the way the Holy Trinity makes up one God. St. Patrick explained the Holy Trinity through a shamrock. It contains 3 leaves of the same look where each represents the Holy Trinity, but still makes up one shamrock, just like how there is one eternal God.

H20 can also be used to clearly illustrate the Holy Trinity. Ice, water and steam is still an H20 in just three different forms. Though the bible mentions God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, it emphasizes that there is no more than one God. The bible only teaches us that God may be “three” persons but still has the same essence of divinity.

Have a blessed Trinity Sunday, everyone. (Jazlene Jimenez)

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