Storm is a violent weather disturbance with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning. Then and now, storm brings destruction not only to the livelihood of people but it also bring end to the lives of people.


According to Global Facility for reduction and Recovery, an average of 20 typhoons make landfall in the Philippines every year, and typhoons making landfall over the last decade have become stronger and more devastating. It is destructive in the land and doubly dangerous when it hit in water. It can sink ships and kill people.


We can only imagine the terrifying event when Jesus’ disciples were hit by a violent storm. Their boat is for sure sail worthy but if we will use the standard today, their boat is not to be given clearance to sail. They were afraid. For them death is just in front of them…and Jesus is sleeping!


So blessed they were because Jesus was with them. He calmed the sea. Everything went back to normal. They were safe and sound.

We can learn three things with this story:


1. You are not alone, Jesus is with you. There may be times when you don’t feel his presence and his power…that Jesus is far and sleeping, but he will always be there with you. His name is Emmanuel isn’t it? God works in mysterious ways. He is present in ordinary uneventful days and in extraordinary situations of life. People may reject you and close friends may betray you but God will always be with you. He is faithful. He will carry you up to bring you home.


2. Jesus will calm every storms in your life. God allows storm for a reason. Sometimes it breaks our will to survive and to go on. But just like the storm that is part of nature storms in life can also make one strong in all the challenges of life. Remember that Jesus is more powerful than any storm one can experience. God is in control of everything.


3. There no reason to be afraid. Fear paralysis people. It can restrict freedom. It makes one hinder the capacity to think. Jesus said that there is no reason to be afraid amidst storms in life. No reason to be afraid because there will always be the sun after the storm. Storms in life can also be a blessing in disguise, a part of God’s infinite design. Do not give up. Tomorrow will be a better day.


Remember: God is bigger and more powerful than any storms combined!

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