Last August 25, Saturday, Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Nuestra Senora de Aranzazu celebrated the Enthronement of Our Lady of Aranzazu where Rev. Fr. Bembol Hiteroza lead the anticipated mass.

  The homily focused in the Gospel Luke 13:22-30. Jesus passed through the town villagers and someone asked him “Lord, will only a few people be saved?” Jesus answered, “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough.”

  In the passage, Jesus is trying to make them perceive that the way to the never-ending kingdom is through their own desire to be saved by God. But we all know that entering God’s kingdom isn’t that simple, there will be trails that would seem endless but to overcome these challenges into our life, we need to have a strong faith and trust to Him while struggling to overcome every challenge.

  In his homily, Fr. Bembol said that the road to God’s goodness is hard to attain but if you accept to be saved then you will be blessed to be in the Kingdom of God that is full of Holiness and never-ending joy. It is because when you’re dedicated to Him, you will be rewarded by Him. As the road of evilness is easy to follow but when you got there, there will be consequences such as pain and sadness. That’s why we need to strive for His grace and goodness.

  In our existence, it is innate to face challenges but as we overcome those challenges, we learn from it. As we free ourselves form evil, we are slowly reaching God’s Kingdom. That’s why we, the descendants of God must follow Him and trust in Him that he will guide us to his Kingdom if only we show Him that we are willing. 




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