Rev. Fr. Alan Oresca as he delivered his homily on 6th Day of Novena Mass for the feast of NSDA.

SAN MATEO, Rizal – Rev. Fr. Alan Oresca presided the sixth day of Novena Mass with the theme: Maria, Bilang Mapagadya sa Kapahamakan.

Rev. Fr. Alan Oresca pointed out the importance of trust not only to Blessed Mary but also to God. At the introduction of the gospel Luke (5:1-11), Jesus told Simon, a fisherman to put his net in the deep water but Simon said that they’ve been working all night and caught nothing. Afterwards, their boats were about to sink filled with fishes. This shows how their trust to Jesus, save them from the disaster.

In his homily, Rev. Fr. Alan Oresca mentioned, that having a strong faith and trust keeps us away not only in sins but also in catastrophic disaster. He shared a story about a rich man who has an untreatable sickness and willing give all his money to the doctor just to cure him but at the end, the rich man dies because he didn’t trust Jesus Christ who is a great doctor of all doctor. “Habang may buhay, may pag-asa”. It is because in God all things that impossible become possible.

Just like Mary who keeps us away from all the disaster that might come to us, we are having a strong bond or trust to her as she keep us safe anytime and anywhere. Therefore we as devotees of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we must have a very powerful faith and trust in her so that we can overcome all bad things that will might happen to us.




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