We all do our best to reach a certain goal. Every time we put an effort to our tasks, we sometimes want to be acknowledged and be rewarded for it. We expect for a reward to make ourselves feel good, but waiting for a reward has nothing to do with our salvation.

The gospel of the 27th Sunday of ordinary time has a special reminder to everyone who are serving God. In the gospel Luke 17: 5-10, apostles said to God, “increase our faith.” God replied that when you have done all you have been told to do, say, “we are useless servants, we have done no more than our duty.”

This has something to do to with our faith and salvation. God encourages us and wants us to realize that working or doing a favor for others shouldn’t wait for a reward from them. Fr. Gerard Masangya said that when we help others with the absence of a return, we are already awarded by God from what we have done. If we offer our good deeds to the Lord, he will reward us when our time has come.

We should always express gratitude for being given a chance to work not just for the Lord but also for others, may we also be reminded to remain humble and work for the goodness of everyone and not just for the prize that’s waiting for us.

There’s a saying, “don’t work for recognition, but do work worthy of recognition.” In our case as Christians, don’t work for people’s recognition but work worthy of God’s salvation.



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