SAN RAFAEL, Bulacan – The community of Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Nuestra Senora De Aranzazu shared the love and blessings of Our Lady of Aranzazu to the locals of San Rafael, Bulacan by bringing the town patroness to San Juan De Dios Parish during the culminating of Pistang Oktubre last October 27, Sunday.

This year’s Pistang Oktubre is San Juan De Dios’ second celebration of their whole-month activity as their way of celebrating the month of the holy rosary.

 Upon arriving at the parish’s patio, the Hiyas ng Hagonoy, in their aesthetically pleasing dresses was dancing to the tune of Pamimintuho sa Birhen ng Aranzazu while women are holding white cloth and men were swaying standarte of Aranzazu.

 Everyone in San Juan De Dios was smiling, silently welcoming their brothers and sisters from Aranzazu Parish. Even the locals outside the church welcomed us with a warm greeting upon knowing that we are from San Mateo.

A concelebrated thanksgiving mass was held at 5 in the afternoon, presided by Msgr. Sabino Vengco. During the homily, Msgr. Sabino Vengco thanked the people from Aranzazu Parish for bringing Our Lady of Aranzazu to their place and sharing Her love to their people. Msgr. Vengco said that we must look up to Mary for her humbleness. She who doesn’t praise herself but the God’s greatness and love.

Talking about the celebration, Msgr. Vengco said that those who prays the holy rosary is one with Mary in mind and in heart in praying the words of love while recognizing God’s love for us.

Msgr. Vengco encourages us to pray with depth and not just pray endlessly without meaning. “Ang Santo Rosaryo ay paraan ni Maria upang tayo tayo lilukin sa kanyang kaanyuan.” She who is blessed in spite of being unworthy of it.

He also emphasized that the love of God is not anyone’s right but it was genuinely given to us which we should recognize and live for.

After the mass, Aranzazu was processioned in the streets of San Rafael, Bulacan. Dalaw Aranzazu ended through the Dungaw, a re-enactment of the annunciation where Archangel Gabriel told Mary the good news that she will conceive Jesus.

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