Our country has recently experienced calamities like devastating earthquakes, deadly floods, and terrifying storms. Some started to question, “Is the end of the world coming?” No one could answer where or how it may happen. Even a pastor who proclaimed himself as an appointed son of God, claiming that he stopped the earthquake cannot actually stop catastrophes because it is repeatedly happening. 

The gospel of Luke 21:5-19 talks about the end, how and why this event might happen. Fr. Gerry shared a story during the  time of Jesus when the western wall of Jerusalem is destroyed, time passed by, great things were discovered, science and industry have greatly improved but the said wall cannot be repaired anymore.

Let us not wait for the end of the world to wake us up from our earthly dreams and distractions. Let us appreciate every blessing and every moment in this world because only God knows when will be the end. May we do everything that is right, everything that is just in the eyes of the Lord as long as we still have the chance, so when the time comes, when we have to face our creator, we will be saved because we earned it. God and only Him can stop calamities because He has the greatest power of all.

Let us act according to His commands so we will no longer look at the end of the world so negatively as if it is a punishment but a reward that finally, we will be reunited with our Creator.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall perish but have everlasting life. 

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