The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, formerly referred to as “Christ the King,” was established by Pope Pius XI in 1925. Photo: Alec Alberto, MPIM

Yesterday we celebrated Christ the King and the last Sunday on Ordinary Time of the Catholic Liturgical calendar. Next Sunday, December 1, will be the start of a new calendar along with the start of the Advent Season in preparation for the birth of Jesus Christ himself.


Rev. Fr. Bembol Hiteroza, Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of Aranzazu, hosted the mass for Christ the King yesterday and talked about power and every person’s ability to do something. He mentioned that the Lord’s power come from two things, His kindness and his love. This was the two things that made God and Jesus powerful beings, they always have room to forgive people no matter what sins they have commited and how much sins they’ve already committed on their lifetime. It does’nt matter how grave your sins and mistakes were as long as you have the willpower to turn to God ad ask for forgiveness.

Every sinners deserve forgiveness.


He also talked about how arrogance blinded people with power. People tend to act like kings upon getting even the slightest bit of power bestowed upon by other people. He mentioned that power is’nt important, everyone dies, even the most powerful of people. Even if they’re famous, kind, or rich, everyone dies no matter how much power they possess. He used Jesus as an example, continouing to serve people even through all the power he possesses. Jesus came to serve and not to be served for. We must always work and help others while humbling ourselves. Dont become ignorant and arrogant, continue to improve yourself.


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