Advent recollection prepares each Christian for the coming of Christ by praying and contemplating on the true meaning of advent. The Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Nuestra Senora de Aranzazu (DSPNSDA) held an Advent Recollection last Sunday, December 7, with Dr. Michele Malignay as the recollection master. 

Dr. Michele Malignay is a family life specialist, psychologist, guidance counselor, lecturer, speaker, and author. She talked about the importance of Jesus Christ in our families. She also explained the differences of our actions when we are with our family. 

Presence vs. Present – During Christmas, we always look forward to the presents or gifts that we will be receiving from our relatives. This Christmas, let us genuinely appreciate the presence of each of our loved ones and be grateful for it because we don’t get to be with them for the entire year. Sadly, some can’t even be with their loved ones even on this special day so you should make the most out of it. 

The words in 2 John 1-1 expresses the importance of presence by,  “Though I have many things to write to you, I don’t want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to come to you and talk face to face so that our joy may be complete.” The bottomline is that own presence value most and not our gifts. Best example of this is the presence of the three wise men who came to see the birth of Jesus Christ.

Celebrating vs. Calculating – in every gathering that we attend,we should always celebrate and not count all the members and their possessions, thus, celebrate as one with love. This Christmas, let us celebrate our friends and loved ones’ presence without counting the financial nor the contribution that they can share for the celebration.

Responding vs. Reacting –  Dr. Malignay said that we must respond to our loved ones with love even if they cannot respond to us regarding our need. Always choose your parent or siblings, or whoever relatives over other things. Be the light for whenever they need you and respond wholeheartedly instead of reacting violently. 

Connection vs. Conversation – Having just a conversation is different compared to having a deep connection. This coming holiday, let us connect with Christ and our family and not just have time for the sake of talking to them. Connect with them and listen to what they have to say. 

Enrich vs. Estrange, as we grow, we encounter many people and we sometimes lose the closeness that we have established with our own family. Christmas season is the best time to rebuild and enrich our connection with our family. Do it together while also enriching our connection with Jesus Christ.  

Real Self vs. Pseudo Self – During Christmas, we buy new clothes and things for ourselves. This advent season, may we reflect on ourselves that we may not be defined by our worldly needs and compare ourselves with others. Dr. Michele emphasized that we should show our real self over pseudo self. On the other hand, let us accept others as who they are and what they have.

Completing vs. Complementing – We always want to celebrate the holiday by reuniting with our  relatives. May the Advent season reminds us to complement each other so that we will all be ready and deserving for the coming of Christ.

Catholics believe that Christmas is the birth of our savior, the best gift that we can give Him is our real self radiating God’s love in our lives.



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