Every child that will be born is a sign that God loves the world. Here are three points to remind us of God’s love for His children. 

God Remembers. You you go through hardships but still ended up celebrating, did you think you were alone during those times? God remembers you and will never leave you alone. God gave us his only begotten son, Jesus Christ to save us from sins and give us an everlasting life but we tend to forget that biggest blessings especially during our hardest times in life. God remembers even uf we don’t. During this season, we are reminded to remember God and those has been abandoned.

God is a gifting God. Each and every one of us is important, why? because we are a gift of God, that’s why God is considered a gifting God, however, we are selecting people who we are going to respect and treat nice, we judge others, we bully others. Now, how can we say that we are a gift of God? May we reminded to finally stop looking at people through their colors, race, religion, and financial stability.

God’s favors come to us through others. We are being blessed every day even with the simplest things. Are you aware that not all of the blessings that we receive are for us? We are sometimes used as in instrument to spread and share those blessings to our brothers and sisters. Simply say, we can be a blessing to others in different ways. Let us try our best to be a blessing to everyone every time.

This coming Christmas, we are reminded to remember and love each other even those we barely know because we all are important in the eyes of God. God gave us his only begotten son, to save us and give an an ever lasting love, the greatest gift anyone can ever receive. We can feel God’s greatest gift as we help and love each other.



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