As far as terminology goes, the word “ECUMENISM” is very much in current usage. We use it here to designate the national and mechanical relationship that churches have with each other. Churches of different religions I must add. Basically this aims for tolerance, by intolerant, of the intolerable. Although we have gone quite some distance away from stark intolerance, the tendency to schism, factionalism, diversaries bigotry and so on can still be a factor in the works; but God -thank God- will still be in the details. We use the word ECUMENISM in a neutral manner as in “social whole”, “social togetherness” as a matter of linguistic convenience. What we intend to emphasize here is an essential characteristic of “being together”, a characteristic that does beyond some rational assocation. The expression is a bit barbarous, but it seems necessary in the here and now in order to distance oneself from the discredited and perhaps terminated usage of the word “social”, The societal here would be a way of saying “holism.” Sociality is the common and tangible expression of basic solidarity, of the societal-in-action.

With much gobbledegook out of the way, we may now come to the witty-guilty of the subject. Advent is at hand and therefore Christmas not so far away. The coming amongst us of the Messiah, the second Adam, is a unifying force to sweep away the cobwebs of interfaith misunderstandings. Jerusalem, ironically enough, is a place where Judaism, Mohanmedanism, Christianity and a number of other faiths co-exist and we keep on hoping for a peaceful unification of the lot under the aegis of Christ’s coming amongst sinful men. Old and continuing “grudges” as between the Israelis and the Arabs, between any two or more of three elements are ripe for resolution into a peaceful co-existence. Respective leaders of these churches are getting closer to common agreement on the MODUS VIVENDI that would be constant with their aim for peace, yet their followers seem to be recalcitrant dragging their feet, unwilling to step into the area of understanding.

But Christmas and it’s celebration, being all but universal or tending towards such a DENOUMENT, brings hope for an ecumenism not only in name but in spirit as well. Christmas and its implications, although accented differently by different faiths (because of an honest hesitation or “die hard” brainwashing in their parts) still in poised for that hoped-for universal peace. Any thinking being tactical, that is to pay, entering the polemics of the era, they are manifest the evidence of the priorities of the moment.

Did I mention “the witty guilty” of this subject? All I meant by that was the EVERYDAYNESS or what Heidegg would term ALLTAGLICHKEIT that would, seem to prelude an apocalyptic scenario on something gloriously final. So be it. It goes with territory. But keep on hoping be steadfast in faith

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