A wise administrator will one way or another resort to this very useful if sometimes nasty procedure. It sometimes even steps over the bounds of decency merely to ensure the administrator’s hold on the reins of his power. To put paid to each and every item of his agenda he may have to go to lengths to retain his grip such that no slip ups or miscalculations occur during his most cherished term in the control or catbird seat. In inverse proportion to his personal wholesomeness very little much checks will be needed, but if a character flaw ever gets the upper hand in his MODUS ADMINISTRANDI, then he can use all the sneaky, traitorous, backstabbingly efficient loyalty checks available in any set up where these may be given free play. And use them viciously, too, as the case(s) demand.

Obviously we’re talking here of a concern the reflects unflatteringly on the Administrator (already his very post harbours a TRAITOR and where such a character operates it can be a double-edged blade, could cut the employer as well as its ostensible target: the being subjected to a loyalty check). 

On the other hand this action finds justification if his (the Admin’s) domain is riddled with factionalists unsympathetic to his mission/vision or even his style of going about his job. They’d best be gotten rid of. Loyalty checks of this sort are necessarily just what any physician would do: excise the cancerous cells from the body politic and irradiate the area of fatal schism or dissension, of contumacy or downright contrariness.

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