Despite the fears and anxieties we are experiencing, we must remember that God stays with us especially during this time of uncertainty, woundedness, and brokenness.
Just as nobody is indispensable, likewise nobody is invincible. This is true for all of us mortal beings.
When I was younger, I felt like a superman seemingly invincible especially the years that I was really healthy and strong. But when the unexpected event happened to me in November of 2000 when I passed out during the eucharistic celebration exactly during the homily, I had come out to my sense the reality of my frailty. Thanks God up to now I’m still alive. He is really good that despite my unworthiness, His love remains.
Here are my realizations: that like everyone else I am also vulnerable; that sickness is one of our very human crises; that sickness is such a difficult thing for most of us to cope with. It makes us helpless – we have to rely on other people and much more to God.
This is what we celebrated last Ash Wednesday. The ash reminds us of our fragility, our mortality. The ash reminds us that we are human beings and struggling people, that we spend only a very short time on this earth and that during that short time we “have to fill the world with love” instead of hatred, anger, resentment, and division.
Now, we have this COVID-19 or N Corona Virus which is now pandemic and we are scared. We are now in panic and anxious in our different activities, persons, and places. In relation to this I have some questions to ponder upon: (1) What is happening nowadays around the world? (2) What are we going to do as citizens of the world? (3) Why is this happening? (4) What is the message behind all these? Incidentally, while I was looking at the internet and social media which I am still a neophyte, I happened to come across with the 2 books published mentioning something similar to this corona virus especially by Dean Koontz on his book, “The Eyes of Darkness” published in 1981 as he mentioned Wuhan 400. I have a suspicion that this is the so-called historical fiction. I think he had some factual basis or resources when he wrote that book. I’m still baffled. Is this the course of nature as being abused by human beings? Is this man-made virus? I have the inkling of concluding that this is not the work of God and this is man-made. If it is not the work of God, why is He allowing it? This is in the same line of questioning during the time of Job – “Why do evil men prosper and why do good men suffer?” Personally, my worldview or outlook in life is this. God will not destroy the masterpiece of His creation and that is no other than us, human beings. We ourselves, human beings, will destroy humanity and God’s creation because of our Pride and arrogance as if we know everything and some of us are playing as gods. St. Augustine calls this as SUPERBIA.
The other book was written by Slyvia Browne entitled “End of Days: Predictions and Prophecies about the End of the World.” I do not know exactly the date of publication. Accordingly, it is said: “In around 2020, a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again ten years later, and then disappear completely.”
The authors seemingly had factual knowledge about this kind of virus beforehand. Maybe there is a grand scheme of things and that is CONSPIRACY. We do not know exactly who are the personalities and what countries are involved in this grand conspiracy. Only God knows. Have mercy on us!
Despite the fears and anxieties we are experiencing, we must remember that God stays with us especially during this time of uncertainty, woundedness, and brokenness. His love remains. John 15:5 says: “Without Me you can do nothing.” So we must PRAY, PRAY, and PRAY. Maybe the message for us is, we humble ourselves before God through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
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