Special prayers for the frontliners who are risking their lives in providing service to our people amidst the threat of COVID-19. Photo: Tita Cristobal (California, USA)
SAN MATEO, RIZAL – You probably looked at your Instagram post for the nth time now while saying, “I was at the beach during this time last year.” Who would have thought, even in his wildest dreams, that in our generation now, we’ll all go back to our simple living just because of our invisible enemy? The pandemic Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19).
We are already on the second week of the enhanced community quarantine. Prior to this, concerts, vacations, book signings and everything else were cancelled. Summer is cancelled and so are the traditional activities that we have been doing during lent. Let’s make things clear here, activities were cancelled but not the Lent itself.
It’s not that we are unaware that these things are happening during Lent. Let’s think of it this way, it’s like hitting two birds with one stone! We are staying at home to save lives and prevent the further spread of the virus while doing our responsibilities as a Catholic. As we Catholics know, Lent isn’t the ideal time for travelling, it should be the time we should be staying somewhere else, regaining our peace of mind and heart, and reflecting on our lives as Christians.
Instead of growing your fears and frustration over what is happening to our world right now, here are fun and meaningful ways you can do to get through the quarantine boredom while feeding your soul at the same time:
1. Netflix and Chill – We can all recite with closed eyes, all the programs in the national television during Lent and thank goodness, because this time, we have Netflix. If you’re tired of watching a series, try watching the movie, Two Popes. Two Popes revolves around the transition of papacy from Pope Benedict XVI to the current Pope Francis. The story showed the issues that the Catholic Church faces, and the issues even the Popes face with their personal faith. It also showed how their past mistakes held them back from fulfilling their duties as the father of the Church and how their friendship healed each other’s self-doubts and feeling of unworthiness. One of the morals in the movie is that even the popes do not have a direct line with God, even how many times they pray, there were also times that they are thirsty of God’s words and guidance but that do not stop them from reaching out to Him.
Photo Courtesy of mypope.com.ph
2. Utilize your Spotify – It is understandable why many of us are feeling anxious during this crisis. Some of us have no work and will have no pay until the quarantine is over. Some are worrying about how they will get through these days and wondering when the quarantine will end.If you are not the visual type, there are a lot of podcasts in Spotify that can help you relax and relieve the anxiety and stress that we are going through right now. Even after the quarantine, listening to podcasts can be a good meditation when you’re feeling anxious and tensed.Listen to Bo Sanchez Radio ,which he calls a place of inspiration leading people towards accomplishing all that God has planned for them. It is a compilation of very very short inspirational talks about the spiritual problems that we all need healing from. Another one is Mitch Albom’s Tuesday People which talks mainly about life. He also has latest discussions about Coronavirus and how we can find hope during this time.
Screenshot from Spotify
3. Save Lives – Artists have been sharing their talents all over the social media world in exchange of donations for our fellow brothers and sisters who are mostly affected by the COVID-19. The bottom line is, you don’t need to have millions in your bank account to save people. Even a small amount coming from your own pocket will do big. Gather your friends, and encourage them to donate as well.
4. Be a church volunteer – Yes. you can still serve the church even during the quarantine period. Since the Lenten activities and public masses have been cancelled for this year, the church needs more strategies to reach their parishioners and make more presence online. If you know how to edit a video, lay out graphics, write an article, scripts, stories, other skills that you want to improve especially now that you have a lot of time, you may contact the Media and Public Information Ministry of Aranzazu Parish to know how you can contribute to the new evangelization.
5. Attend the online mass with your family – There is nothing more important than hearing the word of the Lord. Now that we have no choice but to stay at home, thank God for the internet because we are still hearing the mass everyday through livestreams.
The thousands of online mass attendees everyday prove that even during the cancellation of public masses and social distancing, there is nothing that can distance us from our creator especially in times like these.
There you are. Just few of the simple things you can do that can result into something big for our brothers and sisters. By doing these things, we are not just overcoming the boredom but also strengthening our faith and opening our hearts for the coming of Christ.