Photo Courtesy of the late Rev. Fr. Lawrence Paz’s FB account

It is already Holy Wednesday and the feeling is not the same with the previous years; there are no chants of people narating the passion, death and resurrection of Christ.  Also known as Pabasa ng Pasyon, Pabasa has been part of the Lenten practices however, this year, the Holy Week atmosphere is incomplete and quiet due to crisis being faced by the world. But don’t worry, here are some songs from Jesus Christ Superstar you can listen to reminisce the Passion of Christ.


  • Everything’s Alright

Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to problems that upset you. Oh, don’t you know everything’s alright. Yes, everything’s fine.


  • The Temple

See my eyes, I can hardly see. See me stand, I can hardly walk. I believe you can make me whole.


  • I Don’t Know How to Love Him

Should I bring him down; should I scream and shout; should I speak of love. Let my feelings out?


  • Damned for All Time/Blood Money

Now, if I help you, it matters that you see. These sordid kinds of things are coming hard to me.

I don’t want your blood money! I don’t need your blood money!


  • The Last Supper

Look at your blank faces! My name will mean nothing ten minutes after I’m dead! One of you denies me. One of you betrays me.


  • Gethsemane

Then I was inspired. Now I’m sad and tired. Listen, surely I’ve exceeded expectations? Tried for three years, seems like thirty.


  • The Arrest

Come with us to see Caiaphas. You’ll just love the High Priest’s house. You’ll just love seeing Caiaphas. You’ll just die in the High Priest’s house. Now we have him! Now we have got him!


  • Peter’s Denial

You’ve got the wrong man, lady, I don’t know him. And I wasn’t where he was tonight – never near the place.


  • Pilate and Christ

Oh, so this is Jesus Christ, I am really quite surprised. You look so small – not a king at all. We all know that you are news – but are you king, King of the Jews?


  • King Herod’s Song

So, you are the Christ, you’re the great Jesus Christ. Prove to me that you’re divine – change my water into wine. 

So, if you are the Christ, yes, the great Jesus Christ. Feed my household with this bread – you can do it on your head!


  • Judas’ Death

My mind is in darkness now – my God, I am sick! I’ve been used!


  • Trial Before Pilate/39 Lashes

Talk to me Jesus Christ. You’ve been brought here – manacled, beaten by your own people – do you have the first idea, why you deserve it?


  • Superstar

Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ. Who are you? What have you sacrificed? Jesus Christ, Superstar. Do you think you’re what they say you are?


  • The Crucifixion

God forgive them – they don’t know what they’re doing.

Who is my mother? Where is my mother?

My God, my God, why have you forgotten me?

I’m thirsty.

It is finished.

Father, into your hands, I commend my spirit.


  • John Nineteen Forty-one


The crisis caused by COVID-19 encouraged everyone to practice social distancing but remember to remain in touch with God in this time of crisis. May these songs help everyone to reflect and see the true meaning of Passion of Christ even though some traditions are not practiced. 

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