In the middle of crisis, enhanced community quarantine, holiday, and holy week, have you ever stopped for a while and think, “What’s my purpose in life? How am I going to help to make the world better?” 

While some are busy doing their work for a triple pay, we also pay tribute to three important group of persons today: The Filipino Heroes ofWorld War II, our COVID-19 frontliners, and our real savior – Jesus Christ.

Araw ng Kagitingan, Bataan Day, or Day of Valor marks the heroism of Filipinos. We commemorate the bravery and courage shown by the defenders of Bataan and Corregidor and the virtues exhibited during the struggle. Part of the observance is a moment of silence among citizens at 4:30 pm to honor the Filipino fighters. 

Similarly, while we are facing a crisis caused by COVID-19, everyone is encouraged to look out of the window and clap at 5:00 pm to honor our modern-day heroes, the frontliners who are with us in this time of crisis. The doctors and nurses who help to cure the sick; the pharmacist who provide us medicines; the security guards, officials, police, and military officers who protect us; the janitors and garbage collectors who maintain cleanliness; the market vendors who provide our basic need; and everyone who are risking their lives for the benefit of everyone. 

Above all, our real savior and protector – Jesus Christ who gave his life to save us. 

Ideally, washing of the feet falls on Maundy Thursday, but this time, this tradition will not be practiced. The Gospel talks about Jesus washing the disciples’ feet. John 13: 14-15 says, “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set an example that you should do as I have done for you.” Washing of the feet illustrates love and doing good to others even if they can’t give anything in return. This reminds everyone to do humble service to others. 

How about you? How would you help to make the world better especially now that we are struggling in crisis? Staying at home and praying for everyone will suffice in this time of crisis. Remember that it is not a question of how big or small you act is, as what they say, every act of kindness spreads peace to the world, love to the heart, and light us all.

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