Rev. Fr. Bembol Hiteroza, as he reflects on Good Friday. Photo: A.Yango
It pains me to write a reflection on this very day, GOOD FRIDAY. What’s good in it? Look around – pain and suffering … no food for poor people; no medicine for the sick; no money to buy other commodities; no visit for the loved ones; etc, etc., etc. The church is closed, the school is closed, the mall is closed, and the other establishments are closed. It is really a big challenge o how to cope with the situation. Who’s to blame? Who cares?
Good Friday because the Lord Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins. But the question to ask is this: Is there any way that Jesus can save us by not dying on the cross? I am at lost here in my theology. Of course, the answer to the question is: There is other way because it is the will of the Father. Jesus did it because of His absolute obedience to the will of the Father and because of His unconditional love.
The last words of Jesus, “Consummatum Est”, “It is finished”, “Naganap na” connotes about being “paid in full”. The original Greek word that was used – “tetelestai” means it is already redeemed. (natubos n kung baga sa appliances o titulo ng lupa o sasakyan kaya).
The Jews of Jesus’ time saw sin as debt= utang that we owe to God and that must somehow be repaid. So personally speaking, I like the old version of the prayer OUR FATHER particularly on that part which says: ” forgive us our debts”. Jesus several times spoke of sin ad debt and of forgiveness as a cacellation or delete of debt. When He said on the cross(consummatum est= naganap na= tetelestai= natubos n) it means ” paid in full”, our sins have been completely forgiven.
So again, what’s good on Good Friday? The goodness comes from the unconditional love of Jesus by offering His life. He sacrificed Himself for our sake. That is the so-called the paschal mystery that we need to ponder… That is why i admire and appreciate very much those people who are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the others like the parents to their children, those persons in authority serving their constituents; the frontliners, and the like.
We need to do good always in our day-to-day’s living. It is i think inherent in our very nature.