Did you ever experience that everytime you try to turn off the Television, someone will suddenly speak and say, “I’m watching?” That is no other than our fathers, who we thought, were already sleeping on the couch. 

Growing up, most of us did not have a close relationship with our fathers because most of them aren’t outspoken. I think these are just one of the common denominators with the leaders of our house. They pretend to just observe instead of being vocal just unlikre our mothers.

For the first time we were trying to learn how to use our bicycle, our papa was standing from afar, waiting for us to come to him and we were so scared that without him by our side, we might fall and get wounded.

When he threw us in a deep pool so we could learn how to swim, we thought that’s how it works, you have to be thrown in a deep water so we could learn how to survive.

We thought he didn’t care when our mother was trying to discipline us and he wasn’t saying anything.

When you first broke your heart, you thought you were crying alone, but he pretended he didn’t see you. 

All these times that we doubted him, our daddy was watching. He was watching you with all attention so he can catch you even before you fall. He just wanted you to trust him so that you’ll learn on your own even if you think he’s afar. 

He was watching how we paddle our feet to learn how to be strong enough not to get drowned. He was just watching you being disciplined because he believed that you should be molded right. 

And seeing you hurting hurts him even more because if there’s only something he can do, even if it’s against your mother’s liking, he’ll do it just to make you happy. Our tatay doesn’t only watch, he listens and he guides us every single time. 

That’s the same with our Father in heaven , we always doubt if he’s watching us, we think he’s not looking when we fall or when we’re drowning with the problems in life but he is always watching over us. He always ready to take action and save us from any trouble that we are about to face in our daily lives. 

Today, let us give tribute to all the daddy, tatay, papa, ama, paps, popshie even those who stood as father in our lives. 



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