Have you ever felt empty even though you have a lot to say or someone who could talk to?

A few years ago, people do not rely on their phones but now, it seems like having it is essential. People sleep with their phone, they text and do emails during meetings and meals, and go on Facebook during classes to escape  from boredom. Humorously, using phone while making an eye contact is an important skill today. They may be physically present but their mind is somewhere else. But these acts are disturbing and should not be normalized because it takes us to place that we don’t want to go and it sets us in trouble. With this, we don’t communicate, people just simply reply and only choose the bits that interests them.

In a speech by Sherry Turkle, she said that we sacrifice conversation for connection. We short-change ourselves; and over time, we seem to stop caring. When we feel gloomy, lonely, and vulnerable, we run to our phones and send an impulsive text. And every time we hear our phone ring, excitement rush us hoping that it is someone who would comfort and listen to our every rant. Through these, it makes us feel that someone is listening. This gives us an illusion of care, companionship and empathy believing that these small sips filled the emptiness we feel.

There’s this post I read on the internet saying, instead of sending an impulsive text, try to write a note to yourself because when we are alone, we realize our need to form real attachments. When we don’t have the capacity for solitude, we turn to other people in order to feel less anxious or in order to feel alive. It’s as though we’re using them to support our fragile sense of self. We slip into thinking that always being connected is going to make us feel less alone. But the truth is, we are becoming lonelier.

Being alone feels like a problem that needs to be solved and so people try to solve it by connecting. But the thing is, it is okay to be alone. It is the moment where we can reflect and realize the need for real relationship.

Now, the question is that why we run on someone that is apathetic if there’s God who listens to every word that is coming from our hearts? As the song says, “From the moment that I wake up, put on my makeup, You are right there with me. You heard every prayer that came from our heart and You love me. Yes, You love me.

This serves as a reminder for us that in spite of this “new normal” wherein we used to plug-in our life, have a time to unplug and reflect. It is still important to have a real conversation rather than a nonsense connection. This is a call for everyone to pray and attend the mass. It’s already 8th day of Misa de Gallo and you can still go to church and pray.

Having a conversation with Him is much better that having a mere connection with Him. We don’t need someone who will reply, but someone who just listens like Him.



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