Red Wednesday

The red color is a symbol of courage, love, and passion but in Christian tradition, it is also associated with martyrdom. 

In the celebration of 500 years of Christianity in the Philippines, the church does not disregard the fact that getting here also took 500 years of suffering for our brothers and sisters in the same belief. 

In 2017, The Aid To The Church in Need (ACN) organized the Red Wednesday event in the Philippines to commemorate the persecution of our brothers and sisters because of their faith in Christianity. It also promotes respect among people who express faith in other religions. 

On this day, we use our unity to peacefully fight and call for religious freedom so people can freely live their faith without oppression and persecution. 

It is remembered that Red Wednesday 2020 was dedicated to our COVID frontliners and those who succumbed to it. 

As we celebrate Red Wednesday in the time of election, the church would like to remind everyone that this has nothing to do with political matters but it is a religious event that promotes public awareness about the martyrdom of Christians for their faith. 

Everyone is encouraged to stand up for faith and freedom by wearing red or illuminating their church and significant establishments red.

Be part of this year’s Red Wednesday, Red without Fear: The Church Journeying as One by celebrating the holy mass through our live mass at 6 PM. Watch the Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of Aranzazu turn red as we participate in this event. 

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