“Viva La Virgen!” – The cheers of the people reverberated through the streets as the marching band plays an arrangement of Pamimintuho sa Birhen ng Aranzazu, the dancers swinging their white handkerchiefs skyward. Such was the joyousness of the Fiesta Procession in San Mateo on the 9th of September, 2023.
The procession started at 3:30 PM, immediately following the 2:00 PM mass for students and faculty. The image of Our Lady of Aranzazu was escorted out of the Parish, dressed in white and embroidered blue, surrounded by singing, dancing, and the waving handkerchiefs of the mass attendees.
The Ministry of Altar Servers (MOAS) escorted her image during the procession alongside Nuestra Senora de Aranzazu Parochial School (NSDAPS) students from grades 9 to 12. The Knights of San Mateo’s Drum and Lyre performed during the procession as well as the city band, accompanying the energetic dance of the Animators and the Ministry of Ushers. At the same time, the Aranzan Scouts and the Disaster Response Team ensured the safety and orderliness of the event. The parish’s Media Ministry took charge of documenting the procession.
The procession started at the Diocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Aranzazu and circled through the streets of P. Gomez, Burgos, M.H. Del Pilar, to Gen. Luna Avenue until reaching the starting point of the Parish Church at the Plaza. The journey spanned a total of 2.3 kilometers. Our Lady of Aranzazu arrived back at the parish at 6:30 in the evening, in time for the final mass of the Fiesta 2023.
The annual week-long fiesta celebration is a testament to the reverence felt for Our Lady of Aranzazu in the town of San Mateo; of the collaboration of the church with its people, and the joy achieved through unity. The fiesta concluded with gratitude and praise-filled cheers of the people to Our Lady of Aranzazu as she went back inside the parish for the evening mass. (Angelica Ysabelle Capili)