

“Walang forever!” I have always been so bitter about all those destiny, soul mate, Valentine’s stuff or even love itself but everything went upside down after the day that I met you. I still remember that you were this meek and silent person that I never thought of...
A Heart for a Child

A Heart for a Child

Sto. Nino or Batang Hesus on it’s humble cradle. Sto. Niño festival is celebrated by Filipino catholics today as a form of veneration to the religious relic icon given by the explorer Ferdinand Magellan to Rajah Humabon. It represents the child Jesus and is...
New Year’s resolution?  Here’s  a Tip

New Year’s resolution? Here’s a Tip

New Year’s resolution is when a person attempts to resolve and fix an unwanted trait or behavior, to achieve a personal goal or otherwise improve their lives. Approaching a new year also means a new list of resolutions and commonly found on it are to lose weight and...
12 Things We Didn’t Know About Christmas

12 Things We Didn’t Know About Christmas

Christmas has been traditionally celebrated all around the world for about two millennia but undeniably, there are information about this we are not sure and knowledgeable about. Aside from the fact that Christmas is the birth of our Lord, here are the fun facts about...