What is Red Wednesday?

What is Red Wednesday?

The red color is a symbol of courage, love, and passion but in Christian tradition, it is also associated with martyrdom.  In the celebration of 500 years of Christianity in the Philippines, the church does not disregard the fact that getting here also took 500 years...
Aranzazu Shrine Accepts “Online Pamisa”

Aranzazu Shrine Accepts “Online Pamisa”

With the unpredictable lockdowns being implemented, the Shrine-Parish of Our Lady of Aranzazu launched “Online Pamisa” to systemize the prayer requests being sent to the parish office.  The Online Pamisa is the parish’s way of abiding by the health...
6 good reasons…ahmm, excuses for why we gossip

6 good reasons…ahmm, excuses for why we gossip

Why do we gossip? “Because we have nothing better to do, to make time pass.” “I think to feel better about ourselves and to attach ourselves to the people that we’re gossiping about, and to connect.” “We want to compare our own to theirs. We want to see that they’re...