Why We Give?
Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
We Understand That God Owns Everything.
And God has called us to be good stewards of His resources.
Therefore we invest our time, our talents, and our money in things that matter to God.
We practice and encourage debt-free living and generous giving out of our desire to be wise stewards of God’s resources.
We Know That You Can Make An Impact.
For many, the idea of bringing the first 10% of our income to the Church seems overwhelming.
The thing is, it doesn’t matter how much or how little we make,
God promises to pour out blessings on us when we tithe.
Here are some other ways that you can get involved in changing lives through giving.
We Truly Believe You Can’t Outgive God.
Our Bible says in Matthew 6:24 that the top competitor for our commitment to Jesus is money.
Giving allows us to demonstrate that our God is more important to us than material things.
Not having material things on hand doesn’t have to hold you back from giving.
You can be obedient today by giving online.
How To Donate?

GCash (Scan to Pay).
You can give by cash in person at the Parish Office during our Office Hours. You can also drop off your love offerings in one of our offertory boxes located in the church. If you are giving cash, please fill out an offering envelope available at all of our services. This will help us acknowledge your donation. Need directions or times?

Online (Not Available at this time).
You can give donation online at our Official PayPal Account. Just complete payment directly by simply by authenticating your account credentials or you can add the amount to the end of the link. For example, use paypal.me/aranzazushrineppc/500 to ask for ₱500.00. It is straightforward but with the visibility, security, and speed of a digital payment. We want to say ahead: Maraming Salamat po!

Bank Deposit.
Sending Donations and Love Offerings is a great way to give regularly and consistently to your Parish. You may deposit it thru Metrobank (Account: 289-7-28953186-2) under RCABAN Our Lady of Aranzazu Parish Account or thru BDO Unibank (Account: 008360082737) under RCABAN Shrine of Our Lady of Aranzazu. That means 100% of your donation goes to fund the operation and current Parish Projects.