May is known to be as “Mary’s Month” thus this is the month specially offered in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Flores de Mayo is one of the unique Filipino catholic traditions in observance of this month’s Mary-centered special devotion. This form of devotion wherein flowers are offered daily to Mary is concluded by another Filipino tradition which is the Santacruzan, a ritual wherein a number of young women designated as Flores de Mayo “queens” look for a hidden Cross, with the finder being designated as Reyna Elena.

As for this year’s Santacruzan, I was one of the chosen ladies to take part of the tradition and be a queen for the day under the personality of Rosa Mystika, Mary with her holy personality wherein she holds a bouquet of roses which symbolizes the Immaculate Heart of Mary. At first, I really didn’t want to take the offer since dressing with a gown, wearing heels and makeup in front of several people is not really my thing.

On the day of the Santacruzan, it all felt like a roller coaster since I experienced so many failures and definitely learned a lot of lessons and tips so I am sharing this list to you ladies who are interested in joining the tradition or be chosen for next year’s Santacruzan:

  1. Eat a heavy lunch!

Yes, I literally mean heavy lunch since this will not only serve as your energy for the long walk and harsh weather but it is also a way to prevent yourself from eating from time to time and destroy your makeup! Retouching is definitely a hassle and you wouldn’t be able to eat during the procession so make sure you’re full.

  1. Make sure to use a long staying makeup.

Expect that you’ll really sweat a lot during the procession especially under the lights so make sure that your makeup will stay until the very end and maintain your beauty to be presentable and slay in front of the people.

  1. It is recommended to choose an up do hairstyle.

My original hairstyle was actually loose and curled but the curls didn’t last until the procession and it felt really hot so I had to improvise and do my hair in the middle of the procession just to feel lighter so it is definitely proven and tested that it is better to do an up do hair style since it would really be hot during the procession and it would even better flaunt your beauty since no hair would be messing around your face!

  1. Wear flats!

I may be one of the few who wore only slippers during the procession because why not? Beauty isn’t measured based on your height and your shoes aren’t even seen due to the very long gown. I say comfort before style!

  1. You don’t have to wear a crown.

I forgot to wear a crown for the Santacruzan so I didn’t have any, but you know what? It is not even a problem and a necessity since this tradition isn’t really about the beauty of the chosen ladies to be the Flores de Mayo “queens” but it is in respect of the true queen, Mary.

It is unavoidable that you may compare yourself from the other queens but Santacruzan was never about the crown, beauty or even the clothes.  You may even experience a lot of failures but one thing is sure, the show must go on, keep your head up high and slay. Follow all these tips to be presentable in the celebration because being one of the Reynas means representing an important religious personage.



Mariele Aquino

Mariele Aquino

Junior Writer, Website Team, Media Ministry

Mariele R. Aquino is a member and website writer of the NSDA’s Media and Public Information Ministry, an aspiring future medical specialist and currently a STEM senior high school student in the Royal and Pontifical University of Santo Tomas. Her principle in life is that genuine success is something achieved through a path and battlefield of dodging a thousand bullets without the course of self-centered desires and conducts for temporary existential accomplishment. As a form of simple youthful religious fervor, Mariele used her skills, talent and dedication in writing to serve her Lord but also to grow not only intellectually but more on spiritually.

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