In the Catholic tradition, Santacruzan or what we also known as Flores de Mayo has always been part of the month of May. This is a re-enactment of finding the True Cross, the cross where Jesus died and which was found by Reyna Elena. By tradition, each Reina carry or holds an object which symbolizes their character.

Methusela – Rodrigo Allen Glori of Ministry of Altar Servers

He is the oldest person that had lived the longest on land. He mixes a large pot with sand and stone until it becomes toasted and burnt. It symbolizes that everything that trembles on Earth will return into ashes.

Reina Banderada – Gwynette Tarnate of MSK of Easterview

A maiden clothed in red. She bears a triangular yellow flag. She symbolizes the growth of the country’s Christianity.

Reina de las Aetas – Jesie Rivera of MSK of Guitnang Bayan II

She personifies the state of the Philippines before Christianity. They were known as the (Philippine) pagans during that time.

Reina Juana – Alpha Star Salvador of Knights of Our Lady of Aranzazu

When they reached Cebu, they were welcomed by Raha Humabon together with his spouse, Humamai. It was when the first baptism took place, the beginning of Christianity in our country. Therefore, the Spanish named the two Christian names: Haring Carlos at Reyna Juana. As an offering, Magallanes gave Reyna Juana the image of Sto. Niño. The said image is enshrined and is now known as Santo Niño de Cebu.

Reina Fe – Louise Marie Del Rosario of MSK of Dulong Bayan 1

She manifested the most significant characteristic of the Filipinos which is having strong faith. She bears the “Cross” as a sign of this faith.

Reina Esperanza – Hannah Ysable Natividad of Music Ministry

She showcased the second good characteristic of the Filipinos, which is obtaining hope. She bears the “anchor” as a symbol of this hope.

Reina Caridad – Kristine Joy Dela Cruz of Familia Community

She exhibited the third characteristic of the Filipinos which is exhibiting eternal or pure love. She bears the “heart” as a sign of this love.

Reina Abogada – Amelia Santos of Apostolado ng Panalangin

She is the defender of the poor and oppressed. She was clothed in a black robe and held a “big book”

Reina Sentenciada – Samantha Alex Oblanca of Tanghalang Aranzazu

She represents the people who were punished for the crimes they didn’t do. She was bounded together with two Roman soldiers.

Reina Justicia – Rachel Lou Bulatao of Couples for Christ Global

She embodies the “reflection of righteousness” that means the law is impartial to anyone. She bears the “sword and scales.”

Reina Judith – Clarissa Rivera Riego of Knights of Columbus

She’s from Pethulia who saved the whole city from the Assyrians by cutting off the head of the cruel Holofernes. Thus, she bears the sword.

Reina Sheba – Desiree Dumaual of Pag-ibig ng Panginoon Community

The Queen who visited King Solomon to test his knowledge. Later on, she was overwhelmed not only on King’s wisdom but also on its wealth and power. She bears a “gold box.”

Reina Esther – Aliyah Anne Frances Obra of Tarcisian Adorers

She came from the tribe of Jews who saved her dominion from death and destruction because of her interference with King Xerxes. She bears a scepter capped with the Star of David. She is the Jewish Queenn of Persia who depicts the cardinal virtue of prudence.

Babaeng Samaritana – Novie Claire Florencio of El Shaddai

Despite being a Samaritan, a woman who fetched water from the well and had dealt with Jesus as he asked for water; for he was dealing with the Jews during that time. She bears a “jar” as a receptacle.

Veronica – Sharmaine Frongoso of NSDA Parochial School

This woman dared to oppose the lethality of the soldiers, took her bandana and wiped the blood and sweat on the face of Jesus. The miracle of all miracles, Jesus’ face is instilled on this woman’s bandana. She bears the “bandana with the image of Jesus”

Tres Marias

Maria ng Betania – Maria Luisa Nicole Uy of Legion of Mary

She is one of the disciples of Jesus who is in Calvary when Jesus was crucified and died on the cross. She carries a “bottle of perfume” which was poured out to the remains of Jesus.

Maria Ina ni Santiago – Sean Caspi of Legion of Mary

She is one of the closest family members of Mary Mother of Jesus. She carries a “bottle of oil.”

Maria Ina ni Jesus – Regina Maria Sison of Legion of Mary

The Beloved Virgin Mary is quietly reflecting together with her son who’s suffering as he was unjustly condemned. She bears the “handkerchief” which symbolizes her mourning.

Divina Pastora – Flor Grace Clara of MSK of Liamzon

Mary, the mother of Jesus, our Good Shepherd who nurtured mankind and guided those who were astray. She bears the “staff” of a shepherd.

Reina de las Estrellas – Margarita Barrao Zuñiga of MSK of Sta. Ana

The Queen of the Stars – Mary, just like stars, she brings light to mind full of distress. She holds a “staff” that shines.

Rosa Mystica – Mariele Aquino of MSK of La Mar

Mary with her holy personality was appointed as the mother of our Savior. She holds a bouquet of roses which symbolizes Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Reina Paz – Gabriella Alluah De Guzman of MSK of GB2

The Queen of Peace –  Mary was fulfilled by the holy spirit and accepted its gift which is Peace. She holds a white dove as a symbol of the Holy Spirit.

Reina Consolacion – Joan Melgar of Singles for Christ

She is the giver of hope for all the hopeless and weak-spirited. She, with an Angel, makes sure that she is able to help and guide the less fortunate children toward a better life and a brighter future.

Reina Verdad – Sheena Mae Barte of Ministry of Lectors

The Queen of truth –  she is an advocate of the truth; she holds the bible that will bring the good news to all those people who will follow the commandments of God.

Reina Vida – Mikaela Marie Almoguera of MSK of Riza

The Queen of Life –  she is an advocate of life. She carries the image of “Niño Jesus,” which represents her continuous protection for every creation that exists on Earth.

Reina del Cielo – Mary Faith Kaye Rodriguez of MSK of Guitnang Bayan 1

The Queen of Heaven –  in the 5th Glorious Mystery, Mary ascended into heaven and was crowned Queen of heaven and earth. She holds a flower with two angels by her side.

Reina de las Propetas – Joyce Anne Bronola of MSK of Patiis

The Queen of the Prophets – “a maiden will conceive and give birth to a boy and she will call him Emmanuel” which means “God is with us.” This happened to fulfill what God has said to the prophets. She holds an hour glass that symbolizes the Prophets.

Reina de las Virgines – Ryza Hular of Servants of Jesus and Mary

“Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.” This is what Elizabeth said when she was filled with the Holy Spirit because the child leaped in her womb after she heard the greeting of Mary. She bears the “rosary” together with two angels.

Reina de los Angeles – Revyllene Cruz of GAWARASAL

The Queen of Angels – “Glory to God in the highest and peace to God’s people on Earth.” This was said by the angels when Jesus Christ Our lord was born. She is accompanied by two angels.

Reina de las Flores – Alysa Marie Francisco of MSK of Villa 6

The Queen of Flowers – It is right to respect, appreciate, devote love to Mary. Together with this love, it is only right to offer her flowers and devote love as a sign of veneration and respect. She holds a cluster of flowers.

Reina Elena – Patricia Grace Jose with Constantino – Joshua Gabriel Parra

Mother of Constantine. She went to Jerusalem to see the Cross. She carries a cross as sign or proof that she saw the Cross that saved us.

This is activity is not a pageant where young ladies dress up to be the most beautiful with their make-up and gown. We must remember the real meaning of Santacruzan by focusing on what every “Reina” represents. Hope, Charity, and Faith – the three virtues are the centric to the procession itself.



Lester de Castro

Lester de Castro

Writer, Website Team - Media Ministry

To those who know him, no words are required. To those who do not, no words will suffice. Lester R. de Castro is a “scholar ng bayan” at Polytechnic University of the Philippines taking up Accountancy, Business, and Management. Lester belongs to his batches’ "Cream of the Crop" dominating to a remarkable vision of the future. Currently, as a website writer of DSPNSDA’s Media and Public Information Ministry, the talents and skills he received from the Almighty above are being used and shared not only for his own good but for the good of others as well. He believes that in life, God must be the center who guides us towards the right path.

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