Flores De Mayo

Flores de Mayo, “Flowers of May” in Spanish, is a flower festival in the Philippines celebrated every May. During this time, the faithful ones offer flowers to the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary.


Santacruzan or “Holy Cross” in Spanish, is often misunderstood as similar to Flores de Mayo. Santacruzan is a historical religious procession which resembles the search for Queen Helena— mother of the first Christian Emperor, Constantine the Great— to the cross where Jesus died. This Filipino tradition is usually held at the end of May.


Each Reina in Santacruzan represents a certain character in the history of this tradition. As much as we want to, we can’t just go out and offer our flowers to Our Lady of Aranzazu and even watch the Santacruzan passing through our streets so we searched for Reinas’ and the flowers they symbolize which you can still offer to Mary in your homes.


 Reina Fe – Reina Fe usually bears the cross as a sign of faith, which is the most significant trait of every Filipino.

Reina Verdad – Reina Verdad is the Queen of Truth, she holds the bible which brings good news to all people who are bound to abide by God’s commandments.

Reina de los Angeles – She is the Queen of Angels and usually accompanied by two more angels who claimed that Jesus’ birth on earth is a sign of peace to God’s people on earth.

Poinsettia can be seen everywhere during the Christmas season which is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Like the Reinas mentioned above, Poinsettia is also associated with faith, goodness, and trust in people.


Reina Esperanza – during Santacruzan, Reina Esperanza carries the anchor which symbolizes the virtue of hope. Filipinos are distinct not just for being faithful but also for being hopeful.

Reina Consolacion – is the source of hope of the weak-spirited and hopeless individuals. Along with the angels, they lead less fortunate children to a brighter future.

Iris – Reina Esperanza and Reina Consolacion symbolize Iris. Iris is seen in the old paintings of Spanish painters which they gave a religious symbol. It symbolizes faith, hope, light, divine protection, wisdom, and value which they likened from the Blessed Virgin Mary’s attributes.


Reina Caridad – She carries a heart as a symbol of eternal and pure love.

Carnation – according to a Christian legend, the first Carnation on earth blooms when Mary grieves the torment of his son, Jesus Christ while carrying his cross. It is said that Carnations also remind the nails that crucified Jesus. Therefore, it is associated with pure love and marital faithfulness.

Reina Banderada – she symbolizes the growth of the country’s Christianity.

White Rose, aside from being accepted as a symbol of Christianity since the 11th Century, is also a representation of purity, innocence, and divine love.

Reina De Las Flores – She carries a bouquet of flowers that represents femininity.

Tulip – Tulip is the best representation of femininity among all flowers.

      Carnation, twinsfisch via Unsplash


Reina Elena – is the mother of Constantine. She carries a cross as a sign that she saw the cross that saved humanity.

Red Rose – This flower symbolizes the blood that Jesus shed from the cross. It also became the symbol of his resurrection. Rosary or Rosarium in Latin also derived its name from the rose.


Reina Vida – She is an advocate of life who protects every creation that exists on earth.

Ivy – has always been color green which represents eternal life and fidelity. It is also associated with death and immortality.


Reina Esther is the Jewesh Queen of Persia who depicts prudence.

Reina De Las Estrellas – Known to bring light to distressed minds.

Hyacinth – represents the cardinal virtue of Prudence. It is a Christian symbol for the desire of heaven and peaceful mind.



Reina Abogada – is known as the protector of the poor and oppressed while

Reina Justicia – embodies the “reflection of righteousness”

Lilies – Lilies with three petals represent justice charity and hope

Reina Sentenciada – represents the people who were punished for the crimes they didn’t do.

 Teasel recalls the sufferings of Christ and the martyrs which symbolizes grief and sorrow.

  Teasel  (Courtesy of Britannica)


Reina Paz – She usually holds a white dove which symbolizes the Holy Spirit

Columbine – Coming from the Latin word columba , Columbine literally means dove. It is likened to a dove that’s why it also became a symbolism for the Holy Spirit.

Reina Sheba – the unnamed queen who was overwhelmed by King Solomon’s wisdom, power, and riches.

Narcissus/Daffodil – Narcissus represents self-love, selfishness and indifference.

Columbine (by Xuan Nguyen via Unsplash)

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