SAN MATEO, Rizal – Rev. Fr. Ric Eguia blessed the members of Catholic Women’s League (CWL) following the Holy Mass held at 9 in the morning at the Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Nuestra Señora de Aranzazu (DSPNSDA). The CWL celebrates their loyalty day on the nearest Sunday after October 14.
This event serves as a reunion for the members of the organization nationwide where awards are being given to the loyal members. The Catholic Women’s League is a religious organization dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus under the Patronage of Mary, Mother of God.
It is envisioned to be a community of disciples, committed to build God’s kingdom, proclaiming the good news of salvation in a spirit of love, understanding and bearing each other’s burden with Mary-like compassion, tenderness, endurance, and dedication through the League’s motto: CHARITY, WORK and LOYALTY.
Existing for 103 years already, CWL is focused on giving social services and charity works to the community particularly in homes for the aged, orphanages, and to the poor. For those who are interested to join this religious organization, simply send a message to their Facebook Page: Catholic Women’s League: Our Lady of Aranzazu Unit San Mateo Rizal.